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[Côte d’Ivoire] MOU Signing Ceremony with the Ministry of Education


MOU Signing Ceremony with the

Ministry of Education

MOU Signing Ceremony

On March 14th, there was a MOU signing ceremony with the Ministry of Education of Côte d’Ivoire. The way to train professors in Mind Education was opened. The Vice-Minister attended in the place of Minister and entered into the bilateral agreement. Many government officials from the education institution were in attendance. Minister Jorobi from the “department of ability development”, from the office of the prime minister, came to attend the event and give the congratulatory message.

The MOU signing ceremony between ministry of Education and IYF.

The reality of the situation was that a budgeting process and a number of complicated rules lay in front of the signing. However, Director Jae Hong Kim proposed that if one effective educational system was made at the ministry of education, then a special budget would not have to be prepared while the professors can actively participate in the training. More suggestions were brainstormed at the meeting as well.

Mind Training Workshop

The mind training workshop for the 381 professors proceeded for 2 days. A strike by the professors brought chaos to the entire Ministry. However, Pastor Kim Jae Hong told them, “Education is the future of Cote D’ivoire. No matter what happens, education should not falter. If education stops, the country stops” as he continued to express the importance of education that changes the mindset.

After Minister Jorobi visited South Korea, he also expressed the need for a mindset curriculum. When the teachers all have the same heart, then that mindset will extend to the students. God will make the future of Côte d’Ivoire bright with the gospel.

From March 15th to the 17th, training to receive a certification for Mind Education will go into effect. 250 educators from not only Côte d’Ivoire but Benin, Togo, and Burkino Faso were in attendance. This signing ceremony was planned from 6 months prior. As the Mind Education Institute professors arrived in the country, the atmosphere was abuzz with excitement. The sweltering heat was not a problem in front of their enthusiasm. As the Mind Education team prepared lectures all night long and shared a precious time of training future mind educators. The Mind Education team was swept away by the teacher’s passion.

A little while later, we will see how these educators will change all of Africa.

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