The eighth city is Kansas City.
The 2015 Christmas Cantata US Tour’s 8th performance will take place in Kansas City. This warm city that smells of the countryside will be holding the Christmas Cantata for the first time this year. The Kansas City citizens are hearty and easy-going with a calm, clean heart before God. The Christmas Cantata that shook their hearts like a tornado opened in the Lied Center of Kansas at 7 pm of September 27th.

The Lied Center of Kansas that is located in the University of Kansas is a newly built building barely 20 years old and holds about 2000 seats. All other theatres surrounding Kansas City were fully reserved with Broadway shows or other yearly events. In fact, this theatre was also already reserved with another performance but the theatre personnel understood that this Christmas Cantata is a good show and helped us to rent the venue.

“Someone came up to me and said that it’s a little early season but they’re recruiting volunteers for the Christmas Cantata so let’s deliver enjoyment and happiness to the Kansas citizens. It happened that I was bored and had nothing to at the moment and wanted to do something. It was good because I was able to share my heart with people as I was doing delivery. I really like this program. It’s good for families to gather together and watch the show. I believe it will be a good experience. It’s a performance needed for the Kansas citizens. I think that even people who don’t get along well can watch this show together and share their hearts, share hearts internationally. To me, the Christmas Cantata is love, happiness, and enjoyment.” – India Taylor (Volunteer)

Missionary Dong Ok Lee of Kansas City testified of how God opened the way as he prepared for the Cantata and said that today in which the birth of Jesus is testified is the happiest the day for Kansas City.

Following yesterday, the seats are also full today. The response of the audience was no doubt the best. Especially, we could see people standing up in their seats and praising God with their hands in the air as they listened to ‘Hallelujah’ of the 3rd stage. Moreover, the people rejoiced and shouted ‘Amen’ at the gospel as they listened to the Christmas Message delivered by Pastor Young Joo Park. The music of the gospel by the Gracias Choir and the Words of truth delivered by the pastor moved their hearts.

“It amazing because it was as though the Holy Spirit had actually come down when the Gracias Choir sang of joy and the angels appeared in the back and the shepherds praised. Honestly, it was hard to hold back my tears when I saw that part and I cried. The light shined when Jesus was born and that really moved my heart and it was touching. I hope that God’s blessing is filled within you.” – Pastor Alica

“First, I would like to thank you for inviting me to such a place for free. It’s been a long time since I’ve been to a theatre and I’m so thankful that I was able to listen to such professional singing in a long time. Everything was so good that it’s hard to choose the most impressive stage but if I were to pick I was amazed at how they could express the birth of Jesus so well in the 1st stage. All I can say is that it was really amazing. Jesus was born in a shabby and humble place. I think it is brilliant to express that. Also, I could not stay seated in my seat when I heard ‘Hallelujah’ in the 3rd stage. I praised God standing with my hands to the sky. It’s an expression of my heart praising God. Also, the Words of the pastor are the truth. Jesus redeemed our sins and our sins are finished. It is finished. Everything is finished. Everything finished as Jesus dies on the cross. The Holy Spirit spoke to me as I was listening to the Words. Everything is finished. God gave us eternal redemption. The pastor said that God said we are righteous so I am righteous. Of course I’m righteous.” -Marbella

“The pastor’s message was about salvation and it was very clear. I received salvation at the part on how we came to a new promise out of the past promise, and the law cannot save us but Jesus’ birth can save us.” – Janet

“I came to church through the pastor in our church. I’m very thankful for inviting me to such a place. I was very happy. I was simply amazed at how they are able to deliver God’s Words through music. Every stage was so biblical. ‘Hallelujah’ is the most impressive stage. It praised God and I was able to feel God through that music. It was great. Also, the pastor’s Words were very impressive. Jesus came to this earth for us and he took away our sins for us. And he gave us eternal redemption. Heaven is eternal. Jesus is also eternal. I think they are Words many Christians should know. This Cantata is a great performance not only for Christians but also for letting non-Christians to know about Jesus.” -Aliuwa

The birth of Jesus deeply moved the hearts of the people living in the quiet city of Kansas. We could see the pure-hearted citizens of Kansas listening and keeping in tune with the Gracias Choir’s beautiful and clear performance. Jesus was born in a humble and shabby manger and saved us from our sins. Kansas City has its name originating from the meaning ‘good sound to hear’ in Native Indian language, ‘kansa.’ Today, the most ‘good sound to hear’ and the sound that moved their hearts was the sound of the gospel of Jesus.