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[Malawi] “The mind and future of Malawi’s police officers are in the hands of IYF”


Malawi is joyful with the continuous works of God

We are thankful to see God continuously opening the way of the gospel after the Malawi Camp, ceaselessly working through us, and harvesting its fruits.


Following the visit of Malawian former First Lady and a congressperson to the IYF Center, God’s works of grace continued on by providing the opportunity for the Malawi branch to meet with the Head of Religion Department of the National Police Agency on the 8th of April. The Police Commissioner who attended the mind education in March instructed to prepare ways to work with the IYF in the future. Also, through several meetings, the National Police Agency and the IYF prepared an MOU. The contents requested regular mind education in the 5 Police Department Branches, 3 Police Education Schools, and a Police College for 5 years.


Plans were revealed to visit each institute and police education centers in the provinces in May, complete negotiation by June, and hold the first camp in August. Moreover, they have been requesting various events to inform the public of the MOU agreement made with IYF for the next 5 years. The door will open to teaching the heart of God and preaching the gospel to 5,000 police officers at the police agency and their children, the police trainees, and the police college students.

The Police Commissioner requested help saying that the mind and future of the Malawian police officers are in the hands of IYF. Moreover, enthusiasm was shown by negotiating to provide venue, participants, and meals from the Police Agency, while the IYF only provide mind programs.


Malawi, although representing poverty by ranking 8ths among the world’s poorest nations with many people in difficulty from hunger, it will enjoy a blessed life filling their hearts with spiritual and holy things. Although they have no reason to smile, we look forward to Malawi to live a joyful life because of Jesus, the gospel, and the IYF.

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