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[New York] Brooklyn is heated now


The New York Brooklyn bible crusade which will begin on April 11th is just two weeks away. The 88 short-term missionaries and the USA ministers are pouring all their hearts and preparing for the conference. Although their days begin and end when the stars are still up in the sky and are extremely busy, their hearts are filled with gratefulness and happiness.

Last week in Brooklyn, an English bible seminar was held from the 21st – 24th with Missionary Inho Choi. Although the weather was extremely cold during the four days but through the door-to-door and street witnessing, approximately 10 people attended the seminar every day and listened to the word. Through the word preached in English, the citizens of Brooklyn were able to discover the true heart of God. The short-term missionaries experienced God working through them and became friends with the citizens of Brooklyn through the gospel.

Furthermore, regional seminars were held in Brooklyn and Flushing from the 23rd – 25th and the brothers, sisters and short-term missionaries of New York are tasting the happiness that comes from being part of the work of the gospel. 12 people attended the seminar at the Brooklyn regional seminar and listened to the word and had spiritual fellowship. Specially, Ralph who received salvation through the street witnessing gave his salvation testimony during the seminar. He testify how he was in pain from his divorce and received salvation by reading “The Secret of Forgiveness of Sin and Being Born Again” and from then on he was freed from despair and gave thanks to God who solved his problems one by one. The love of God towards Brooklyn was felt through the seminar.

Also, volunteers were recruited to partake in the upcoming Brooklyn crusade and workshop was held on March 26th for the volunteers. The 8 volunteers heard that the US started with the gospel but as they lost the heart of God they became corrupt. The volunteers went through a witnessing training and gospel class during the workshop and they learned the heart that God has towards the citizens of Brooklyn. We are excited to see how God will work through the volunteers.

To introduce the bible crusade we moved our footsteps and when we went from home to home, and when we stood before closed doors we were burdened but when we looked up to God’s word that it is not done by our deeds but by Him who has called us, we were able to learn that our weakness does not matter but what is important is He who will establish His work.

Right now the relay bible seminars are in progress in preparation for the Brooklyn Bible Crusade which will begin on April 11th and many people are attending the seminar through the daily witnessing activities. Furthermore, the bible crusade is being advertised through booklets, newspaper and bus ads, last seminars CDs and smart phone applications. We are looking forward to see what kind of work God will do during this bible crusade. We ask for your prayers.

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