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(New Zealand) Happy Because of the Gospel in New Zealand

From the 25th to 26 of November in Good News New Zealand Church (Oakland) there was a Bible Seminar with guest speaker Heejin Park (Pastor of Gwangju Church). After last June where many people of the souther pacific received salvation through the Bible Conference many attended again for this Bible Seminar in November. Especially in last May, it was the first Bible Seminar after God has given a building to the church in Oakland therefore it was a very meaningful conference for the brothers and sisters.



On the first day the guest speaker pastor Heejin Park preached about 2Kings chapter 7 verse 1 to 2. He spoke about how “because we do not have the heart of believing in God we live a difficult if closing the doors of the gate.” Therefore he said that “when we believe that God is with us and step outside the city gate doors then one will experience God’s work.” Lastly he said “just like how the dead Lazarus came alive again within the power of the word of God, let us all believe in the word of God.”



Especially on the first day the Samoa families who attended the Bible Seminar back in June came to attend this seminar as well. They came out to the front and expressed their gratitude of being able to listen to this precious word of God and as an expression of their gratitude they sang a song.



The song called ‘Samoa’ which originates from the small island in the souther pacific was a beautiful song that could be heard no where else. When the songs finished all people applauded with the same heart, and the Samoan families promised to prepare songs for the next day as well and expressed their pleasure.



After the sermon was finished there was the second part of the session which was the spiritual counselling. Some people gathered in groups to listen to the Gospel and it was time for others to ask about any question they had in regards to spiritual life. Through this time we could see that several people were receiving salvation and becoming happy.



During the last session of the Bible Seminar which was the evening of the 26th Pastor spoke about Romans chapter 11. He explained about how “The wild olive tree that appears to be simply a wild olive tree on the outside actually became a partaker of the root and fatness of the olive tree. Likewise although our flesh cannot help but sin, because we are partakers of the things provided by Jesus we have been made righteous.” In this way he read verses of the Bible with the participants and easily explained about the Gospel.


“I am a Samoan of the southern pacific. I have established a Samoan church in New Zealand and am operating as a pastor. Although I always preached the word, the problem of sin in my heart was never resolved. This past June as I had fellowship with Pastor Ocksoo Park I accepted the Gospel and realised that I was no longer a sinner. As I listened to the word again through this seminar I was thankful once again. I was especially thankful about the fact that although on the outside I am evil and lacking, the true olive tree which is Jesus, because he dwells in me the I receive the holy influence of him.” (Pastor Heremoa)

The Bible Conference Seminar which happened for a short period of two days was a very happy and joyful time for all people. The participants at the seminar listened to the Gospel which explained that regardless of their actions or efforts their sins have already been paid for by Jesus, therefore if they simple accept the word like they did they were able to be free from sin and become happy. And the members of the church were also able to learn through this Bible Seminar about spiritual life that God does instead of the spiritual life that I live. When we think about the continuing spread of the Gospel amongst the islands of southern pacific New Zealand we are full of hope.

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