Repentance and Faith
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The Bible is the holy and infallible Word of God for it is the Truth and there is no falsehood and error.
God in essence is one but exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God in the flesh, being a perfect human without sin. He took away our sin to wash away the sin of the world by being crucified on the cross. He was resurrected after three days.
The Holy Spirit abides in the heart of the Saints, administering instructions and guidance.
Man was created according to God’s image. Since the man disobeyed God and adhered to the word of Satan, the sin entered the world. Human beings commit sin because they are born as sinners. Only when they repent from their own hearts and adhere to the Word of God, can they receive the forgiveness of sin and be born again as children of God by believing in Jesus Christ.
Salvation is not of the righteousness of man but of God’s righteousness through Jesus Christ, who by His own blood obtained eternal redemption for us. It is solely accomplished by the grace of God.
Church is the gathering of saints that have been sanctified in Jesus Christ. Church conducts ceremonies such as services, holy communions, fellowship and baptism.
God will bring the world to its end in His own time and way. Jesus Christ will return with glory in literal and visible way to the earth. The dead will be raised. The bodies of those born again will be raised in their glorified existence and will dwell forever in Heaven with God. The bodies of sinners will stand in judgment before Him and will be consigned to Hell for everlasting punishment.