We here at the Good News Mozambique Church held a seminar with guest speaker Pastor Joung-kiYim from the Gumi Church from May 2nd – 4th.
Although there were aspects where we lacked and were weak but through the word in John chapter 6, “How much could these 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes be for these many people but if He gives thanks it is possible” with the same heart as Andrew, the church prepared for the seminar with the heart of only relying in God.
The students who were connected through the English Academy Class became the volunteers and they prepared dances for the seminar and furthermore they continuously attended the seminar sincerely listened to the Word of God.
A pastor from a secular church who lives near our church and as he heard the word opened his heart and said it was amazing and decided to continue to listen to the word and have fellowship.
We had a precious time where everyday 20-30 people came to listen to the Word.
Just like the word God gave us this year that we are not Abram but Abraham, and that as we will become fathers of many, we are hopeful to see what new faith God has prepared for our Mozambique church.
Brothers and sisters we ask for many prayers for the Mozambique church.