Ushuaia, known to be the southernmost city in the Continent of America, is the city with many international tourists who come to see “Last Lighthouse at the End of the World”, wildlife attractions such as local birds, seals, penguins along with National Park in the Beagle Channel, which connects to the Antarctic. The city of Ushuaiah in the regions of Tierra del Fuego preserves the purity, mystery of antiquity, and the beauty of nature in the southernmost part of the world. Roca de Paz Pentecostal Church ad invited Pastor Do Hyun Kim of Good News Buenos Aires Church as the guest speaker for 3 bible seminars, which were held from January 15th to 21st.

With Pastor Farvian Rotenberg of Usuaia Roca de Paz Church
“When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more” (John 8:10-11).
The city that is located about 3000 kms away from Buenos Aires takes about 50 hours to travel by car, and you must pass the Chile border and sea to arrive in Usuaia. During the bible seminars that were held for 3 times, more than 600 people filled up the chapel. As they listen to the true gospel of Jesus for the first time, all of them shouted “Amen!” to the word that says, “Neither do I condemn thee.” More than 600 people listen to the Word of God, which reveals the true repentance that leads to forgiveness of sins, and they were amazed by discovering the true grace that God has prepared by the eternal righteousness and gospel.

Bright expression of the participants

“And they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more” (Jeremiah 31:34). The next day, Pastor Do Hyun Kim preached the Word on how there is a tabernacle in heaven and earth, and how Jesus paid the wage of sin on the earth to make us clean, righteous and holy. The participants inclined to the Word, and nodded his head. At the end when Pastor Kim asked, “Please raise your head is you believe that you are righteous,” then everyone clapped his or her hands and raised their hands.

CLF Reception in Ushuaia
During the morning session of the second day of the bible seminar, on January 20th, 2019, we had CLF Reception at Roca de Paz Church. About 100 pastors and Christian leaders gathered from all over the city, and Pastor Kim introduced IYF as “the organization that preach the Word of Hope to the youth”. Then, he gave some examples of how many youths became free from drugs and sins, and so many pastors and leaders showed their interests, and listened to the following word of God regarding forgiveness of sins. “Behold, the Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). Jesus had given a sacrifice to heaven for our sins. More than a lot of money or healing of diseases, He wants to give forgiveness of sins.” Pastor Kim spoke of the will of God for Christian leaders. Many of the participants who were listening to the Word regarding tabernacle accepted the gospel of forgiveness of sins, and they were moved. After the word, many pastors said that they wanted to work with us, and they freely shared their questions.

During the morning sessions of the seminar, Lieutenant Governor Carlos Acando came to the place where the witness team was saying, and had a meeting with Pastor Kim. He had a lot interested for IYF and had been supporting us, and this time, he provided us with sleeping quarter that belonged to the government for the witnessing team, and he decided to support and help IYF more actively for the future of many youths.

Through the witnessing seminar, hundreds of Ushuaia citizens accepted the word of salvation, and realized that they are righteous through the grace and work of Jesus, not through men’s efforts. Every night, their faces were filled with happiness, and after the sermon, many of them had fellowship with Pastor Kim and got to know more about our mission.People from all over the world come to tour Ushuaia because the nature is beautiful. However, many of the citizens of the city often are in pain due to murder, drug addiction, and family conflicts. Many of the citizens listen to the gospel and were happy during this bible seminar, which God rejoiced in. Now, there are many people who recognize us, and open their hearts toward the gospel. Through the witnessing trip and the bible seminar, we were able to preach the gospel strongly to the ends of the earth. We are very hopeful for the Lord, who will work greatly in Ushuaia.