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2019 Burundi Bible Camp and CLF


The 5th Burundi Bible camp and CLF Pastoral Meeting

Missionary Joo Hwan Shim at a prayer meeting before the retreat

Pastor Sang Joon Lee and his wife being welcomed at the airport.

From January 4th to the 6th, the Bujumbura Church of Burundi invited Pastor Sang Joon Lee and held the 5th Burundi Bible Camp.

Right before the retreat began, there was a MOU signing ceremony with Minister of Justice. Although it was the beginning of January, where all the departments of the government were closed due to the holidays, we were able to meet with the government officials such as the Minister and Counselor of Justice, and Director of Correction. During the meeting with the Minister, Pastor Sang Joon Lee mentioned again about the need of mind education, and we were able to sign the MOU with the Department of Justice. This was essential because through the MOU and the meeting, the door to mind education with the judges of the High Court was opened. When the pastor mentioned the rehabilitation program for drug addicts, the Minister had great interest and wanted to actively support us in all aspects.

Registration with the Brothers and Sisters.

First Day Orientation .

On the first day of the retreat, we were preparing to listen to the word. With the heart to believe that God would allow us to gain all of Burundi, brothers and sisters were busy preparing for the camp. Total of 350 attendees listened to the Word of God, 250 brothers and sisters from Bujumbura Church from different regions and 100 new people had gathered.

Pastor Sang Joon Lee preaching the Word

On the first evening of the retreat, the main guest speaker Pastor Sang Joon Lee preached on Matthew chapter 4 verses 23 and 24. He spoke of Jesus who preached the gospel of heaven, and heals all the diseases and weaknesses. The sin that came into us through one man, Adam, made us sinners, and it made us suffer; however, Jesus freed us from all sins and disease. He strongly preached the gospel.

“I have experienced how Pastor Ock Soo Park’s new year’s message in Luke chapter 24 verse 47 was being accomplished. I was able to preach the gospel through the retreat, and so many new people received salvation. It is so amazing and thankful. I am so happy before God.” Brother Kasmil, Mutakula regional leader.

“I attended the bible camp for the first time. The Word was so different from what I had been learning, so it was very awkward in the beginning. After listening to the gospel from the first and second day, I was able to believe that Jesus washed all my sins perfectly. I am so thankful, and feel that God sent me here to listen to this Word.” – Belije, Junior in National University (business major).

Sermon at CLF.

After the morning and afternoon meetings at CLF.

CLF along with the Burundi Bible Camp

For the first time this year on January 5, there was a certificate ceremony for CLF participants. Approximately 150 pastors came to attend the CLF to listen to the Word, despite their busy schedule in the new year. Pastor Sang Joon Lee said that the spiritual life is moving the heart from the world where I work to the world where God works.

“God has already moved us to the world of faith from the world of our wants. Even though we want to live good and righteous, but it does not work. So, he moved us to the world where He has made us righteous through the blood of Christ on the cross!”

Pastor Atien, Kirundo Busoni Church

“I am so happy to listen to this precious Word in the new year. I am from a regions called Kirundo, which is 6 hours away from here. When I go back to my town, I will witness this precious word of gospel that I have never heard before, the amazing word that says all of my sins are washed by the blood of Jesus, Help me so I can continue to learn the Bible.” Pastor Atien, Kirundo Bussoni Church All the pastors agreed by shouting “Amen” to how we are now perfect through the blood of Jesus Christ. After the morning and afternoon meeting, they had a certificate ceremony for the pastors who had been attending consistently since the last CLF meeting with Pastor Hun Mok Lee in June.

Cantata: Anna’s Story performed by the Youth Group.

Chinese Short term missionary Rijie zealously playing the part of Anna.

The same day evening, the brothers and sisters who attended the retreat saw the Christmas Cantata prepared by Bujumbura Church youth group. They didn’t have much time to prepare, but they prepared with one heart, and despite their short comings, all of their hearts were filled with joy of the cantata. They stepped forward by faith, and they were able to speak of hope before God, who works according to what He hears. They were also happy for the word.

Church members having individual fellowship.

Group fellowship .

Communion Ceremony on the last day.

Everyone after Sunday service

After the New Year’s Eve Service with Pastor Ock Soo Park in Uganda with 100,000 people in 2018, the brothers and sisters were able to start the 2019 with hope through the Burundi Bible Camp. We can only expect how God will work strongly through the gospel in Burundi and Africa this year.

Translation of

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