[Central and South America] 2020 End of the Year News and Testimonies
This year, gospel was preached to more than 300 million Central and South American viewers.
There were many sayings such as, “it will be difficult to preach the gospel to people this year by traveling all over Central and South America because of COVID-19 that swept the world.” However, contrary to such expectations, there were difficulties and pain for us, but God taught us through the servant of God that faith is real, and He allowed the fruit of the gospel to Central and South America more abundant than ever. Below are those fruits.
February, World Camps in Honduras, Bolivia, Paraguay, and Costa Rica

“I participated in the World Culture Camp for the first time. Listening to Pastor Park, there has been a big change in my thoughts. Until now, I thought that I was a dirty sinner because of my works. However, just as how you can pass through the entrance gate to Brazil as long as you show the Brazilian passport, we can enter the Kingdom of God regardless of our conditions as long as we have the righteousness of Jesus. I prayed to God so that I could receive precise answer to my salvation, and I am so happy that I was able to receive that answer through this camp.” – Julia Pechinato (Brazil), Paraguay World Camp attendee
February, Presidential Meeting in Honduras, Bolivia, Paraguay, Costa Rica

“On February 12, 2020, Pastor Park was able to have a meeting with President Carlos Alvarado of Costa Rica through active arrangement from Pastor Rigoberto Vega, president of the Christians Protestant Association of Costa Rica. Pastor Vega is a Christian advisor to the president, and when he heard about Pastor Park’s visit, he talked to the president in person to introduce Pastor Park and scheduled a meeting. Pastor Park preached the gospel for an hour during the meeting, and the president replied, “Countless people come to ask me for something every day. But the meeting with the pastor refreshed my mind like an oasis in the desert. It was very pleasant.” It was amazing to to hear that the gospel that the pastor preached entered the heart of the president like an oasis in a desert. When I think about the life of our pastor who only thinks about the gospel, only preaches the gospel, and only lives for the gospel, I have limitless respect for him.” – Missionary Taekang Kwon, Good News San Jose Church in Costa Rica
April, Easter Online Central and South America Retreat

“Recently, the economy has become difficult as traffic has been restricted and people were quarantined due to COVID-19 recently. Many people are suffering from the disease and fear of death is growing, and the word of the Lord that told us, “Be at peace”, who has overcome death, has given me rest and hope. The blood of Jesus washed away my sins forever and I feel that the resurrection of the Lord is my resurrection.” – Elder Laureano Cotrina / Good News Lima Church in Peru
May, Online Bible Seminar

“I’m 76 years old and had artery surgeries in three places 5 years ago. I’ve been suffering from this disease, and the fear of death has come to me with COVID-19. But God worked to me in a timely manner and I was invited to this Bible Seminar. What I learned from Pastor Park’s sermon was that the wall of sin within me collapsed. I give glory to God. Jesus paid for all my sins and paid for wages of my sins and iniquities. Forever!” – Pastor Carlos Angulo / Monte de Los Olivos Church in Mexico June, Pastor Ock Soo Park interview broadcasted on the flagship program of Enlace, Latin America’s largest Christian broadcaster

Roger Leon, station manager: Please pray for continent of America, and please give us a message through the words of the gospel that our viewers will be encouraged in the pandemic we are experiencing right now. Pastor Ock Soo Park: God sent Jeus because we could not be saved on our own. He did not wash our sins roughly and moderately through Jesus, but He cleansed our sins regardless of the sins we committed yesterday or today. Now, you don’t need to say, “Please forgive my sins,” but you should say, “Thank you for washing my sins away. The blood of the cross washed my sins.” And we should be thankful for that fact. When we believe in the words of the Bible, we gain strength in our hearts. ‘God wants to lead me to the Kingdom of Heaven. God sent Jesus to wash my sins away, and that Jesus washed all of my sins. I have no sins left.’ If we believe it like this, then God is most pleased. He gives us new strength and it becomes glory to the Lord.
June, Online CLF

“I had a very blessed day as I attended all the programs of CLF. I heard Pastor Ock Soo Park’s sermon in the morning. The words about how we are inside of Jesus and that we have been grafted to Christ engraved in my heart. Pastor gave example story about grafting Korean Sungjoo melon and explained the Word wisely.
In the afternoon academy time, I listened to the words on “Successful Ministry” through YouTube. It was about how Jesus ministered. As I listened to Pastor Park’s sermon in the evening, I was able to realize that we already have been saved through grace. I got to know that Jesus washed all of our sins. It felt as if I was attending a feast with abundance of God’s words.” – Erilyn Gonzalez / Panama Freedom Baptist Zion Church
July, Online World Camp

“I no longer have any sins. I thought I had sin when I was asking God for forgiveness of sins. However, through Pastor Park’s sermons, I was able to realize that God sent His only begotten Son to wash our sins away. I make mistakes, but once I acknowledge myself, return to God, and believe in Him, God let me realize that my sins were already washed away. I thank Pastor Park for letting me know this fact.” – Karen Juarez / Guatemala
August, Online Summer Camp

“I knew Jesus died for our sins, but I was taught since young that I needed to repent every day because we commit sin every day, think bad things, look and desire bad things. I always lived with tears and groan.
At the camp, Pastor Park preached about 1 Corinthians 6:10-11, “… but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God,” and said, “we have been sanctified and justified through the name of Jesus Christ, and we are no longer sinners.” Through the sermons preached at the camp this time that explained about our spiritual life, I was able to learn that I need to deny my thoughts before the Word of God and only believe in the Word of God and that God definitely fulfills His words. I am thankful to the pastors who preach the gospel of salvation inside of Jesus Christ.” – Arminda Contreras / Bolivia
September, Pastor Ock Soo Park Virtual Meeting with Chancellor of Chiapas Christian College in Mexico

“God permitted Good News Mission to our college that big and small amazing things are happening. I do not doubt that it is the plan of God. In Mexico, many churches are unable to open due to COVID-19, and I hear sad news of other famous pastors and brothers and sisters passing away. Many brothers and sisters also passed away. However, God is showing us that these hardships can become opportunity, and our school is running very well right now. I glorify God. Also, the Online Bible Seminar and CLF of Good News Mission that was held during such time united many Christians’ hearts as one throughout the world.” – Cesar Bernandino Serrano / Chancellor of Chiapas Christian College in Mexico
September, Online CLF

“At the CLF meeting, I learned that our sins are not cleansed by confession of sins but only through the blood of Jesus. Pastor Park said that the blood Jesus shed on the cross of Calvary washed all the sins of mankind completely, not by confession.
What came to me the loudest was that the blood of Christ was painted not in the temple built by Moses or Solomon, but in the temple of the eternal Kingdom of Heaven. Our sins are recorded on the altar of horn and the tablet of our hearts, and God sees the blood of Jesus painted on the horns of the altar and says we have no sin, and we see the blood of Jesus painted on the tablet of our hearts and we say we receive forgiveness of sin by faith. I would like to thank Pastor Park for delivering such precious sermons.” - Pastor Gustaumanski / Punta del Este San Carlos Church of Uruguay
October, Online Bible Seminar

“I’ve been doing ministry from 4 years ago, and I got to know about Pastor Park and Good News Mission through CLF for the first time and heard the sermons. My heart remained in the position of a sinner in Romans chapter 3 verse 23. However, spiritual life is not staying in that position. It is because verse 24 is telling us that we have become righteous by obtaining forgiveness of sin through sacrifice and grace of Jesus.
I am currently studying at the Good News Theology School. When my heart was in darkness and despair, God gave me the Word of God which is the light through Good News Mission, and I was able to be set free from many questions I had.” – Pastor Wilson Flores / Hope Church in Tegucigalpa, Honduras
November, Second Half-year Online CLF

“’For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God’ (Romans 3:23) I was a sinner before I met the gospel. But as I saw the verse, ‘Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus’ (Romans 3:24), I realized the fact that I am a righteous person and that God forgave all of my sins. Before listening to the true Word of God, I asked God for forgiveness by relying on my works. However, after finding out the will of God, I can accurately say, ‘Now I am righteous. Now I have no sin.’” – Pastor Jose Ricardo / Ecuador Kito Nueva Jerusalem Church
December, Gracias Choir Christmas Concert, broadcasted in 102 main TV stations in Central and South America

“The concert this time showed us the true meaning of Jesus’ birth through the concert and the message. I am thankful to the Gracias Choir and Pastor Park. Pastor Park explained about the birth of our Savior very well. He explained to us about how God sent His Son to this earth, how He completed the will of God, and how the whole mankind can receive salvation by Jesus doing the work. For a long time, I believed that Christmas is spending time with the family exchanging gifts together. However, I was able to know the birth of the Savior who took away the sin of the world through the message this time.” – Cesar Ticona / Argentina
December, Pastor Ock Soo Park’s life documentary, “Mission of Life,” broadcasted on Rede Brazil TV

Pastor Ock Soo Park’s life is very special and it is an exemplary story to people. I know that Pastor gave his life to bring change to others, and we felt that it is a good time to broadcast his life documentary since there are many people suffering from COVID-19.
We visited Korea with a risk at a time when the whole world is blocking the border. I put aside the duties of the director of the broadcasting station, and came to Korea, was quarantined for two weeks, and went to 12 different places for two weeks afterwards filming over 100 hours and returned to Brazil. We decided it would be impossible to deliver over 50 interviews and life story within one hour. So after consulting with the broadcasting station, we changed our plan to produce five-part series of 45 minutes per episode.
The most touching part for me was when Pastor Park went to Apgok-dong and Jangpal-ri where he first started his ministry. He was moved and he walked with his wife holding her hand saying, ‘this is the first time since we got married,’ and he looked at his wife in the eye and thanked her. While staying with Pastor Park in Korea, I learned a lot through the life of the pastor who shows us through actions rather than words. In particular, the most important thing in his words was that ‘we became righteous by believing that all of our sins were washed’. - João Luis, Director of Rede Brazil TV / Brazil

This year, gospel was preached to more than 300 million people in Central and South America. We may not be able to see this again. Although there were difficulties on the other hand, God blessed Latin America. We praise the Lord for giving us hope towards God next year as well.