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August 22nd, 2015 Saturday Visual Fellowship of Pastor Ock Soo Park


Mark chapter 2 verse 3, “And they come unto him, bringing one sick of palsy, which was borne of four.”

In order to reach our purpose in life, we visit the marketplace, go to school and at times even do farming. In this Bible, there is a story about men who took a man sick of palsy and went to Jesus. We are most hopeful when we take both big and small problems up to Jesus. Before the man sick of palsy went before Jesus, he did not know what would happen, but only went with the faith in believing that Jesus would be able to heal him. They arrived at the house Jesus was staying in at Capernaum. But when they arrived, something unexpected happened. There were so many people that they could not take the man sick with palsy to Jesus. Even an ordinary man could not enter, more so a man sick with palsy. They began to think that it was blocked and that it would not work out. Now the man sick with palsy and those who carried him could have thought, “Ah, it is not going to work. Why are there so many people here today? I guess God isn’t pleased with us coming.” It was easy for them to think in this manner. When doing the work of the Gospel, it is true that God helps us but Satan interferes many times. Therefore various difficulties will arise in our life. However, although these hardships occur, Jesus will always solve those problems when we take it before him, and He will bestow grace and mercy. The man sick with palsy and those who carried him could have thought, “Why isn’t it working out? Let’s go back.” However they thought, “No, Jesus is going to open the way. Let us wait.” Although it seemed impossible they began to think, “What if we uncover the roof and then enter inside the home? The roof is assembled simply, we can easily uncover it. If we do that and this man with palsy meets Jesus, what is there to be a problem?” It was a big burden and difficulty for the man sick with palsy to even come and meet Jesus in the first place, but because his friends came over and carried him, he was able to come to meet Jesus. And when they arrived, there were several obstacles that prevented him who was lying down from entering, but because they uncovered the roof, Jesus was able to meet the man sick with palsy. Jesus then said to him, “Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.” Those who were against him then said, “Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God only?” There were those who were against Jesus’ words, but Jesus asked them, “Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk?” Jesus had to die on the cross in order for the man’s sins to be washed, and it was easier to say “Arise, and take up thy bed and walk,” but Jesus did not choose to say the easier word but said that the man’s sins were washed first, thus getting him criticized by the scribes. However, Jesus did not consider them and said, “Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house.” As a result, the man was healed and gave glory to God with his healthy body. The God and Jesus we know, most of times things do not go according to the way we planned. Not just the IYF and World Camp, but even during Grand Bible Conferences and Bible Retreats, there are so many problems that occur. At times it makes me think, “What’s the big deal if I just choose not to do these things? Why do these problems keep on occurring? I hate it and it’s just so frustrating!” I’ve had these hearts so many times. But as I work, Satan always interferes with the work of God, and on the other hand when Satan works, so does God. When Jesus forgave the sick man’s sins, the scribes criticized Jesus by saying, “Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God only?” Jesus shut the mouths of the scribes by replying, “Whether is it easier to say to the sick of the palsy, Thy sins be forgiven thee; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk?” Jesus could have spoken the easier word by first saying, “Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house.” However he said, “But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins. I say unto thee, Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house.” Jesus fulfilled what he spoke. We do not fulfill the work of God. Preaching the Gospel, building a chapel or even buying land for the church; all things are done by God. When we do the work of God, it seems like it will not work out and that it will be difficult; it happens many times. Satan wants us to forfeit in our hearts and say, “It is not going to work. I will just quit. This isn’t going to work, I should just let go for this once. I will do it next time.” The man sick with palsy thought before meeting Jesus, “How can I walk? I can’t go.” When he came to the house he thought, “There are too many people, I cannot enter. It is not going to work, I should just return.” He had such hearts. However, they did not just give up, but looked towards the Lord and advanced. When we do this, Satan makes it seem like it will not work, but the Lord opens the way. They thought, “We should uncover the roof.” Therefore the man sick with palsy met Jesus, and when Jesus said that his sins were forgiven, the scribes criticized him. Nevertheless, Jesus overcame the criticism, and said, “Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house.” Thus, the man received forgiveness of sins and with a healthy body he danced on his way to his home while carrying his bed. “I have taken up my bed! I came here lying on this bed, but Jesus healed me!” He experienced unspeakable joy. Before having that joy, it seemed as if it would not work. It seemed as if they could not enter the house in Capernaum in which Jesus was staying in. They arrived, but it seemed impossible to enter the house. When they tried to enter, they had to uncover the roof, and although they knew the owner of the house would get angry at them; they uncovered the roof and came down and met Jesus. Then Jesus said, “Son, thy sins be forgiven thee.” The scribes were angry and said, “Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God only?” Nevertheless, Jesus was victorious and the man sick with palsy was healed from his disease. He was filled with happiness and was so overjoyed. He carried his bed and shouted, “Look here, I am walking now! Do you know who I am? I was a man sick with palsy, but God has done this!” God continues to open such doors for us. But midway through, Satan inserts a thought into us that makes us think it will not work, that we have to return and cannot meet Jesus. If the man had heeded those words and returned; he would not have been able to obtain such grace. When we go before the Lord, God gives us strength. Loving brothers and sisters, not only the man sick with palsy but we too also receive grace from God. There are always obstacles and difficulties in the path to receiving grace. We begin to have thoughts thinking that it will not work, but do not be led by those thoughts, and instead say, “It seems like it will not work, however the Lord will work and turn everything into blessings.” Those who wait and look upon the Lord, the Lord shall renew their strength. The man sick with palsy was filled with happiness as he carried his bed and shouted, yelled, danced and rejoiced. He returned with his healthy body and lived his life praising the Lord. The various problems we have are not problems, but are all conditions for the Lord to work. When we look upon the Lord and go before him; I believe the Lord will lead us blessedly. Do not give up, but confront boldly. The Lord will solve one by one, and fill your lives with blessings. Thank you and I will see you during our next session.

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