The International Youth Fellowship Botswana Branch held the 2015 IYF World Camp for the youths of Botswana from the 2nd to the 5th of December at the Student Service Center in the University of Botswana located in the capital, Gaborone.
This event that has been prepared for the young Botswanan college students who have been aching in the heart without having learnt about the world of the mind was carried out with 400 participants over 4 days.
The academy that took place every morning during the camp presented the students with curiosity and joy to the students who wanted to learn something new. Korean language, Taekwondo, Culture dance, Righteous dance, Handicraft etc. various academies were carried out.
Every morning and afternoon, there were music and dance performances. The male acapella group that came from Tanzania surprised the audience each time with their amazing voice and harmony.
The dance team formed by 3 Korean volunteers and several local volunteers showed us various performances such as the Righteous dance, Spanish dance Buleria, African dance Tumaini, Taekwondo dance, Korean fan dance, Indian dance Maahive etc. The entertainment games consisting of mini Olympics, scavenger hunt, and golden bell and the mind program that helps to learn the world of the mind and bring change in the mind made the participants open their hearts to the IYF World Camp and listen to the gospel.
To make understanding easy for the participants of the camp, Lecturer Sung Gyun Oh began to preach the gospel in the mind lecture through Luke chapter 15 as he lectured about the 6 stages of life that left God.
Pastor Oh Sung Gyun preached the Words about how the second son who left his father became happy after having completely failed but having met with his father’s heart. Likewise, we need to believe in the Words of God that has made us whole through Jesus but we constantly believe in our own thoughts that we are not whole and try to become whole by ourselves.
Unlike last year, this year’s world camp program was mainly run by the local volunteers in Botswana. MC, scavenger hunt, mini olympics, golden bell, academy, cultural performance, Righteous etc. most programs were carried out by the African local volunteers. Some participants even opened their hearts to the camp completely seeing their friend performing.
Towards the end of the world camp, a local student who had totally opened her heart gave a testimony.
At the 3 day workshop for the volunteers following the world camp, about 80 people participated and most of them came to the church and gave their testimonies. God is alive and working in Botswana. In Luke chapter 8 verse 16, it is said that a lamp is lit and set on a lampstand for the light to be seen. Many people saw the light we shined and came here, opened their hearts before the gospel, and accepted forgiveness of sins by faith. We hope that many more people in the future see the light and come, listen to the gospel, and gain true rest.