“My God, he has forgiven me and blest me.
God took the heavy load of sin, and washed me and sanctified me.
I am now a new man and a new creation. Life with the Lord is so beautiful.”
Hymn of Pastor Isco
Pastor Isco was invited to the Sleeven village Bible conference so he attended from Cellopanicherevo.
After hearing the word he desperately pleaded that we come to his church the next day and preach, so we changed our schedule and went to his church, and before the sermon time as he gave his testimony we could not help but to give glory unto God.
Pastor Isco and his Wife
“There is something I want to say to you. I was actually quite tired. There were people abusing the church, there were people who came to church but made me feel greatly tired, therefore I had the heart of wanting to rest and wanting to disappear somewhere. But as I heard the word of the Korean Pastor in Sleeven my heart was completely changed. After I came home I couldn’t fall asleep. I stayed awake for the whole night and I went to the early morning service at 5:30am and because I was unable to bare this heart of thankfulness I made a hymn. I will sing this hymn to you and I want to say sorry to those who were troubled due to me.” (Pastor Isco/Bulgaria Cellopanicherevo)
In preparation for the November’s grand Bible Conference with Pastor Taeho Kim, from the sixth of October for ten days with the pastor from Dusseldorf in Germany there was a tour of Turkish villages.
As we travelled around so many villages, we preached the word, invited them to the Bible conference and many souls that God has prepared listened to the Gospel and received salavation. It was a time where one could strongly feel the promise of God which said all Israel and also all of Europe will be saved.
Following is the testimony of the guest speaker.
Pastor Han (Dusseldorf, Germany)
“I was able to come to Bulgaria with a heart that, it would be great if God led me anywhere not being tied down to a certain frame. Although I prepared many words, when I considered these people’s heart and the heart of the church toward these people my heart was very nervous. Pastor Park met them in the England Camp, and when I think about Pastor’s heart which considers everyone to be so precious I felt like I cannot treat them in any way I want. So I went to the conference thinking that I want to serve these people I meet with the heart of Pastor Park.
People listening in Stamboliski
The day we slept in the home next to Samboliski church, I came out the next morning to see some sunshine. I saw a family next to me and I started speaking with them and it felt like I was in Africa. One by one more and more people gathered wanting to listen more to the word, and people who came late asked me to repeat myself. Although I spoke very shortly their heart which so simply received the Gospel felt so pure.
Pastor Sali and his wife listening to the word
In the case of Pastor Sali, he was quite a well off man before, but after losing his son he fell into despair. It was so thankful to see his heart recovering after listeningto the word. I visited the hospital where his wife was hospitalized in, and I could see her also receiving change through the word.
At Cellopanicherevo Chuch
In regards to Pastor Isco, I did not know that he was even a pastor. As he was listening to the word on the first row with his eyes wide open I felt that ‘God was working inside of this man.’ And we heard this man’s testimony at his church the next day, when he sang the hymn that he created, the certain testimony that he had was truly amazing. This man did not know what the Gospel or the spiritual life was, and seeing him acknowledging his weaknesses and asking for the grace of his congregation members, I could feel that, the heart was of God. I had a strong heart that the Gospel had power, there is power in the word and that power was working for these people.
Bible Conference in Noboleso Church
I thought all Turkish people were Muslims, but seeing Turkish Christians for the first time here in Bulgaria, I was quite surprised. It is because whenever we witnessed in Germany the people who ripped our leaflets and cursed us were the Turkish people. I was afraid of the Turkish people because of my experiences in Germany, but those Turkish people were believing in God.
I have a heart that God loves them very much. I have a heart that in the hearts of these Turkish people living in isolated villages, like the Wedding Feast in Cannan, Jesus will come and fill their hearts with joy.
God allowed me an unforgettable time as a missionary and also made me feel ashamed in front of the Gospel. The grace of able to be participating in this promise which Pastor has received is really thankful for me.”
Pastor’s Wife Junghwa Oh(Dusseldorf, Germany) , with children in Peshtera
“When I first went to the Turkish villages, the environment was much poorer then I thought, and I did not even know such place existed in Europe. But the hearts of the people were purer and warmer then any hearts that could be found in Europe.
Because the land is Bulgaria, the people are living as outsiders and foreigners isolated from society. That is how it seemed to me, however if these people had lived in Turkey rather then believing in God they would have believed in the religion of Islam. Therefore, I thought that the fact these people live here is in fact a blessing for the people to believe in God.
Bible Conference in Maloconare
I was very happy seeing the reactions of people as we went around in the Sleeven Conference giving personal spiritual counseling as they accepted the word that was preached to them.
One elder from Pashtera Church said after listening to the word about Peter, “Just like this cup, we are changed depending on what we put inside the cup.” One sister who was ill said “I should not accept this illness into my heart.” A certain lady after receiving salvation said, “It is not that I should become holy, I have already been made holy.” These testimonies that were told to us amazed us greatly and made us so thankful.
Especially in Stamboliski, one elderly woman who was for the late morning fellowship came to the afternoon service and as she listened to the Gospel, she said “From what I heard today, I have no sin.” such word made my heart so joyful.
I have a heart that just like how God sent Philip to the Eunuch of Ethiopia who was thirsting for the word of God, I believe God has led these people in the same way. Without a preacher one cannot realize. I have a heart that staying still is evil in front of God.”