No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham: for I have made you a father of many nations. (Gen. 17:5) The Republic of Dominica Church held a Bible Seminar from January 1st to the 5th along with the pastor’s new year message, inviting pastor Il Gap Jeong.
All the brothers and sisters in the church prepared the conference with all their hearts. The guest speaker preached about the life of faith to the brothers and sisters in the early morning. In the morning, and evening he preached the gospel to the 40 people who were invited and the 80 brothers and sisters.
Many people, who attended the conference through flyers and radio broadcasts, received the remission of sin and were very thankful.
Especially the Haitian students, who attended the Mexico World Camp and met pastor Ock Soo Park and were promised that a church would be established in Haiti, were thankful that as promised the church was established. They assured that they would keep their side of the promise and preach the gospel in Haiti.
On the 6th after the Dominican conference, a 14 hour trip took us to Haiti and from the 7th to the 10th we held the first conference. It was a time in which we could see all the preparation of God.
Haitian people say that Haiti is a land cursed with earthquakes and Cholera. However, through this conference and the establishment of the church, the gospel changed their hearts into hope.
For 4 days, over 80 people attended, listened to the gospel and received salvation. They testified of their thankfulness to the Good News Mission for establishing the church and the servant.
The guest speaker shouted of how the World Camp will be held in Haiti and how through IYF, leaders will be formed. Brothers and sisters answered with a loud ‘Amen’.
Haiti lost hope on January 12, 2010 due to the catastrophic earthquake, however, the church that gives hope to Haiti was formed one year later and we could see how the promise God allowed to the servant of “give you all the nations as inheritance”.
Please pray so that the gospel may be spread in Dominican Republic and Haiti.