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[Ecuador] News of Children’s Camp held in La Luz (June 12, 2012)

The Good News Mission Quito Church hosted a children’s camp in the city of La Luz from the 22nd (Tues) to 24th (Thurs) of May, 2012. The children’s camp was viable due to an invitation by Pastor Marco, who received salvation while operating his own church, and took place at La Luz Park. GNC members prepared and hosted various games, dances, Korean and English academies that the children could cheerfully participate in and even taught them songs and dance motions so that they could understand God’s Word easily and joyfully.

As time progressed, God sent many children. The camp began with five children, but increased to 45 after an entire class from a nearby elementary school attended. Prior to the camp, the weather was cloudy and it began to rain, however every day, when the camp began the rain ended and a bright sun would shine. We were able to feel the works of God and see that he was helping and was pleased with the camp.

By preaching about God’s creation of the heaven and earth on the first day, why we have sin and how our sins were washed away on the second day and through preparing a play on Jesus’ parable of the wedding feast on the third day, we explained that God does not require a wage for the people of the word and that he has already prepared a path to heaven.

Through the children camp, many children heard the gospel and learned that although they were born with sin in their hearts because of Adam; their sins were washed by the blood of Jesus and that through Him their hearts were washed as white as snow. They also learned that God had already prepared everything for them to receive salvation. On the last day, the children came up to the stage and prayed about their gratefulness towards Jesus for taking all of our sins.

The Ecuador GNC members, who prepared their first children’s camp, were grateful while preparing and hosting the camp because they were used to preach God’s gospel and were truly joyful when they preached the gospel. They were lacking and could not do anything, however as they directly experienced how through the power of Jesus things were accomplished, it turned into a time where they were able to deepen their faiths towards God. We have hope for how God will work and how the gospel will be preached in the upcoming children’s camp in a different city.

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