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[Europe] 2020 Europe Online CLF

Updated: May 22, 2020

“These are the most powerful words after Luther’s Protestant Reform!”

April 24, 25 (Fri, Sat): For 2 days, the 2020 Europe Online CLF was held. This online event was held together with Pastor Ock Soo Park the founder of Christian Leaders Fellowship (CLF) and Head pastors of denominations across Europe. 25 European denominational heads, 200 pastors and denominational heads in other continents were in attendance.

Denominational head meeting with Pastor Ock Soo Park, founder of CLF

As the Europe CLF that was planned for early April became cancelled due to the corona virus, the European mission urgently changed direction to partake in the US CLF from March 16-21. However on the 12th, as the US banned all entry from Europe, even this had been overturned. Afterwards, Europe began to block its’ borders and all families were to spend their time indoors, unable to leave their homes. At that time Pastor Young Shin Oh of Germany delivered the will of God towards Europe through the pastors’ video meeting. “Early this year we met the God who opened ways in Europe that seemed like the wilderness. As all plans have become cancelled, it seems that God is leading us to go online. How would it be if we were to invite Pastor Ock Soo Park and hold the CLF online?” He went on to say, let us see how God works for all good through the corona virus.

Denominational Head Meeting with Pastor Ock Soo Park

At 9am of April 24th,

the meeting began with denominational heads of Europe and other countries beyond the continent such as India and various countries in Africa. At the denominational head meeting, Pastor Ock Soo Park preached a powerful message of the gospel as he testified of President John Atta Mills of Ghana, who feared death due to the problem of sin, but after hearing the gospel of the forgiveness of sins, went to heaven in joy, and told participants “Jesus did not only forgive the president’s sin but all of our sins. I hope that now you will stand in front of God with the justified heart whose sins are washed.”

Pastor Ock Soo Park preaching the word during the denominational head meeting.

During the second session of the online CLF, Pastor Ock Soo Park preached the words about eternal redemption to the 1500 participants. Pastor Ock Soo Park preached that one should not vaguely believe that their sins are forgiven but one should know through the bible how sin is perfectly forgiven. Beginning with the sin offering in Leviticus, pastor preached of how the sin of mankind was passed unto Jesus by the baptism of John the Baptist. The denominational heads and participants answered “Amen” throughout and thanked Pastor Ock Soo Park for preaching the precise gospel based on the bible.

Online CLF Denominational Heads’ Testimony

Pastor Frank testifying to the CLF participants

Pastor Frank’s notes from the CLF sermon

“Today Pastor Ock Soo Park preached the true gospel. Jesus became a perfect offering and by his blood, I have become perfectly clean and righteous. By the blood of Jesus, all our sins have been forgiven and by him, we have been justified. That is the true gospel and I am so thankful today to hear this gospel again today.” Denmark / Pastor Frank Ahlmann Kristensen (Wellspring Church Center)

Pastor Oleg from Estonia

“I want to thank Pastor Park for powerfully preaching to us about the righteousness of God that was given to us. Today he preached about the woman caught in adultery and those words remain greatly in my heart. Although the woman was a sinner, Jesus met her and freed her from sin, giving her a new life. Just as how God worked in this woman, God has also allowed me to live a new life.” Estonia / Pastor Oleg Pronin (Head of Estonia Full Gospel Church)

Pastor Teteos Nigohosiyan of Bulgaria writing notes during the CLF sermon

“Firstly, I truly thank you for inviting me to this conference. I was able to feel the pastor’s truth and wholeheartedness as he preached the word and the stories he gave during his sermon were great. The salvation and redemption that pastor preached of is most important and the message of pastor should be what is preached in all churches, it must be shared all over the world. The world needs the word. This gospel must be preached to each and every person all across the world. I must now record the sermon for Sunday Service tomorrow and I want to quote the great stories that I heard today.” Bulgaria / Pastor Tateos Nigohosyan (Chairman of the Bulgaria Pentecostal Church)

Pastor Csaba, Denominational Head of Christ for All Nations Hungary

“The 2 sessions of sermons were all biblical and the precise gospel. I am very thankful that I could participate and in particular, the testimony of how Pastor Park preached the gospel to the former president of Ghana was so full of grace and blessings that I wish to keep it in my heart. I look forward to listening to the remaining sessions.” Hungary / Pastor Csaba, Denominational Head of Christ for All Nations Hungary

Germany / Pastor Andreas Christoph, Living Grace Church

“The sermon of Pastor Ock Soo Park was so precise and clear. These are the most powerful words after the Protestant Reform of Martin Luther. These are words that are necessary for the German church that is slowly forgetting the righteousness of God. I look forward to what is to come and the sermon tonight. The translation service was very comfortable to listen to and I am listening well!” Germany / Pastor Andreas Christoph, Living Grace Church

Pastor Bernard Sallah leading the meeting for the afternoon seminar

“This CLF Europe meeting is a great blessing to me in many ways. As I listened to the word this time, I learned how to effectively preach the gospel. The teachings of Pastor Park and other pastors have a big influence on my ministry. The word that is preached through testimonies in life lets the truth that the Word of God is living to be known. I thank you for preparing this event and I thank Pastor Park for preaching the true gospel.” UK / Bishop Bernard Sallah, UK for the Christian Action Faith Ministry

Meeting the Head of the Pentecostal Church in Spain, Pastor Jaime (Second from right) last February through CLF

“I listened to all of the morning A and B sermons. The word that is based on the bible has so much depth but is also simple and clear. I will continue to listen to the word. Thank you.” Spain / Pastor Jaime, Denominational head of 30 Charismatic Pentecostal denominations

Pastor Kalin Chepilev of Bulgaria

“Today as I listened to the word of Pastor Park, I have accepted the fact that I have become righteous deep in my heart. We must all accept this faith deeply. We must accept the redemption of Jesus. Jesus forgave our sins eternally once for all. Amen! Not only our past sins, but all sins even in the present and future were all forgiven once for all! I am truly grateful. I give glory to God. Hallelujah! Bulgaria / Pastor Kalin Chepilev, Head of 35 churches of the Independent denomination ‘Zion Church’

Although we cannot meet face to face, the online Europe CLF was hotter than any other event. The denominational heads of Europe listened attentively to the words of Pastor Ock Soo Park and even participants had the time to share testimonies after listening to the seminar sermon. If not for the corona virus, it would have been difficult to meet denominational heads in person but they were able to participate online and many people opened their hearts as they were awed by the scale and moderation of the Good News Mission as well as the word of Pastor Ock Soo Park.

In particular, this online CLF became a time for European missionaries to raise the church and servant of God in their hearts. As they did mission work in Europe, the missionaries looked at themselves when there were no works of the gospel arising but discovered that it was not that God did not work but first God wanted to raise the faith to believe in the servant of God in their hearts. People who are called as witnesses of Christ do not work but just preach what they witnessed, likewise the churches in Europe and the missionaries have much hope in what they will witness as God works in the future.

Participants’ Testimony

Germany / Willi Rhein, Administrator at Word of God Radio “I am an administrator at a Christian internet radio broadcast that broadcasts gospel sermons. The sermon of the pastor was a tremendous message. What is the name of the preacher? I want to broadcast this, could I get a recording?”

France / Pastor Jane “As I heard the words of the pastor, I have come to know that we must return to the pure and fundamental Jesus. I have come to know that Jesus has perfectly fulfilled eternal redemption and there is no longer an offering for sin.”

Finland / Pastor David Jenkins, Finnish Lutheran Church in English Mission “It was a great time to more deeply understand the words in Leviticus and Hebrews. I was able to understand in detail the connection between the laying of hands on the head of the goat and the laying of hands on Jesus by John. Although John did not want to lay his hands on Jesus, as Jesus permitted it, he laid his hands on the head of Jesus. Then the sin of the world was moved unto Jesus. Jesus carried the sin of the world and shed his blood on the cross, and forgave the sin of the world in the tabernacle in heaven. The word today was outstanding and I am sure that the many people listening have also gained a deeper understanding.”

Israel / Pastor Allan Peralta / World International Ministries Israel Church “I want to thank Pastor Jang of the Good News Israel Church for inviting me to this seminar. As I heard the words of Pastor Park through the video chat, I accepted the gospel. I thank the English translator who works hard to allow me to understand the word. I was greatly moved when Pastor Park connected and explained about the baptism of Jesus in the New Testament and the laying of hands of animals in the Old Testament. I thank you for your hard work. Especially, I am thankful that there are these sessions through Youtube. Because of this, I can share the word with many of my friends who are self-isolating because of the corona virus. I look forward to participating again in May.”

Italy / Pastor Geatano Priolo Katania / Italy Sabaoth Katania Church “The word was so amazing. The words of the pastor were simple and also became the basics of our spiritual lives. The explanation of Jesus through the Old Testament was so clear and great. Thank you.”

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