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[Fiji] The flower of the Gospel Blooms on a Beautiful Island in the South Pacific

Writer's picture: Good NewsGood News

In Fiji, an island in the South Pacific, Pastor Woong-ki Yang, the senior pastor, held a ‘Bible Seminar’ at Good News Suva Church for three days from October 26th (Wednesday) to 28th (Friday).

In Suva Church, new people such as acquaintances and volunteers were connected by inviting people through communication and promotion of brothers and sisters. Before listening to the words of Pastor Woong-ki Yang, the main lecturer of the Bible seminar, the attendees heard the salvation testimonies of the brothers and sisters. Although there were different circumstances, the testimonies that they all overcame them with God and completely were forgiven of their sins, gave great inspiration to new people. In addition, the Gracias Choir's praise video melted the hearts of the attendees and added joy and happiness at the same time.

Wednesday, October 26

Pastor Woong-ki Yang delivered the message on the first day of the Bible Seminar with <Joshua 9:1-8, 14-25>. The Pastor said, “There are two types of people in this story. There are people who oppose Joshua, and there are people who survived after making a covenant with Joshua. Although Gibeon was a strong nation compared to other nations, when he saw God working in Israel, he realized that he was nothing compared to God. So, by acting like a beggar, revealing their weaknesses, and making a covenant with Joshua, they were able to receive God's grace. However, the 6 tribes of Canaan did not compare themselves with God. For this reason, they believed in their own power without knowing exactly who they were, and eventually went to the path of destruction by fighting with Joshua and Israel. Many people go to church and say they have sin, and they think that they can go to heaven if they confess their sins with zeal. However, those who do not know themselves have no choice but to go down the road of destruction like the 6 tribes of Canaan.” We are able to discover precisely that we are nothing through God. It is not that we must go to heaven with our zeal, but we can go to heaven through faith in the blood of Jesus, who has already forgiven all our sins."

Thursday, October 27

On the second day, through <John 2:1-10>, he said, "We must cast away our thoughts and be led by the words of Jesus." “There is a realm of time and a realm of eternity. In the time system, because time is passing, we regret for the past and worry about the future. However, in the eternal world, there is no time, so there is no need to worry and regret, and live only with life and happiness. In John 2, at the wedding feast in Galilee, wine ran out, and the servants were full of worries and anxieties. But Jesus told the servants to fill the jar with water and bring the jar with the water to the banquet hall. In the eyes of the servants, this is clearly water. But in the eyes of Jesus, this is wine, not water. When the servants abandoned their thoughts and followed Jesus' words, the jar of water was surprisingly turned into wine. Many people believe in their thoughts and experiences and live frustrated and unhappy. No matter how good our thoughts are, our thoughts are all false because they come from Satan. If I throw away the thought that I am a sinner and accept God's word that I am justified by the blood of Jesus, I am a righteous person. Let's live a happy life without regrets and worries in the eternal world where sin has been forgiven."

Friday, October 28

On the last day of the Bible seminar, he preached the gospel through <Luke 5:1-11>. “People do not know what the truth is, and they live by sticking to their own thoughts. This is because they do not see God and are always living in their own thoughts. Simon Peter also lived a life of being deceived by himself, but after meeting Jesus, he realized that living by believing in his own thoughts was sin and he was able to deny himself. Many people become angry and complain when they are deceived, but they believe that the thoughts Satan puts in are their own. However, since that thought is from Satan, it is the opposite of God. Those who, like Peter, realized that the thoughts they believed and lived were from Satan, they could be saved. It's time to know for sure whether the thought from Satan, 'I'm still a sinner because I sin,' is true, or whether God's word, 'By the blood of Jesus, we are justified forever' is true.” If we are deceived by God, we have no choice but to live in sin, but if we throw away our thoughts and are drawn to the truth, the word of God, we will be saved, and we are children of God."

After the sermon, there was fellowship with the main lecturer, Pastor Woong-ki Yang, centered on newly connected people and those who had not been to the church for a long time. The attendees said that they were confused about the fact that Jesus died on the cross regardless of whether they went to Catholicism or Methodist churches, but because we sin every day, we must continue to wash away our sins through prayer of repentance. Even though they went to various churches, they could not find the truth to completely wash away their sins, but through this Bible seminar, the attendees were able to see the heart of God accurately and learn the truth by hearing the words that Jesus completely forgave my sins on the cross at Good News Suva Church.

Thousands of people are living in darkness, despair, and worry, deceived by their own thoughts without knowing exactly how to wash away their sins. However, those who attended this Bible seminar were able to realize the truth that Jesus completely washed away the sins of the world forever, and it was a blessed time to boldly say that they were righteous when they abandoned their thoughts according to God's Word. In the future, many people in Fiji will be connected with the Good News Suva Church and continue to meet, and we hope that many people will be freed from the pain of sin and find rest in their hearts through the Word of God.

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