Bible Seminar with Guest Speaker, Pastor Ock Soo Park, in Commemoration of Martin Luther’s Religious Reform
‘The just shall live by faith’ Martin Luther realized that we could only reach salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, not by the works or efforts of humans. It has already been 500 years since he lifted the flag of the Religious Reform. During that time, the mindset of Luther who shouted only for ‘Faith’, has been fading away but from the 27th of April, the Bible Seminar in Frankfurt began with the goal to bring Luther’s ‘Repentance and Faith’ back to the surface.
Not only from Germany, but many brothers and sisters from England, France, Spain from western Europe, and Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Turkey from the east gathered together at the Leonardo Royal Hotel Congress Hall to learn only about the Word of God and faith.
Before the Word of Pastor Ock Soo Park, the beautiful music of the Gracias Choir first moved the hearts of the audience to the world of God.
The solo by Tenor Tae Jik Woo, the performance by Marimbist Dae Hyun Yun and the Choir performance which followed filled the hearts of the people with emotion and many of the audience shouted, “Encore!”.
The guest speaker of this year’s Bible Seminar, (‘Luther’s Repentance and Faith’), Pastor Ock Soo Park began the first session by speaking about John 8, ‘The woman caught in the act of adultery.’
“Jesus is a farmer. He removes all the fear, worries and concerns from your hearts and plants love, happiness, joy and faith. That is why there is no one that has met Jesus but has not changed.”
Pastor Ock Soo Park explained to their audience how Jesus works for us. Moreover, he added that when we live the same life as Jesus, we receive amazing grace and blessings.
“Everyone, once you have received the forgiveness of sins, then you are living as Jesus. The work of spreading hope and faith by preaching the Gospel like Jesus Christ is the work that God wants to do through you. When you live like that, Jesus will bestow his grace upon you and I believe that you will be able to live a blessed life.”
The precise ‘faith’ that Pastor Ock Soo Park spoke about has nothing to do with us working but it is Jesus Christ who changes our hearts and it is those renewed hearts that lead our lives. That Word has already entered the hearts of the participants and is alive and working.
“Pastor Ock Soo Park spoke today about the woman caught in the act of adultery. That woman actually had to be stoned to death but by meeting Jesus Christ, her sins were forgiven and she was able to receive salvation. This truly appeared to be my own image, and I was thankful once again that Jesus Christ had come to this earth for me and to forgive us of our sins. I want to meet the heart of God through the Word of Pastor Ock Soo Park.” (Shenade / Germany)
“When I heard from Pastor that I should attend the Bible Seminar, to be honest, rather than a happy heart, I had a big burden because my circumstances were not that great. However, through the word, I realized that this was not a heart that had come from God. Through the music of choir and the word of Pastor Ock Soo Park, I want to gain new strength in my heart.
I am looking forward to the plan that God has prepared for me through the Word of God during this Bible Seminar.”
(Adina Vlad / Romania)
This European Bible Seminar, which commemorates the 500th Anniversary of the Religious Reform of Martin Luther, moves to the Willy-Brandt Halle from the 28th of April.
Moreover, the cross-denominational “Christian Leaders’ Fellowship” and the ‘Youth Christian Leaders’ Forum (CYLF)’ begins on the 28th. Through these various programs we look forward to the ‘Repentance and Faith’ (which was so often fought for by Martin Luther) being spread to the land of Germany and throughout the whole of Europe.