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[India] India Covered by Gospel


Christian Leaders Fellowship(CLF) that brings up workers of the Gospel The publication ceremony that delivers the world of hearts to India Baby Jesus Christ born to Hindu land, ‘Christmas Cantata’

Pastor Ock Soo Park’s visit to Hyderabad, India continued on the 4th. Pastor Park went to the Christian Leaders Fellowship where 500 pastors gathered to hear the sermon. He preached the gospel through John chapter 5, the story of the man who was in infirmity for 38 years.


“Whether it is good or bad, the thoughts of the flesh are an enemy to God.” The day before, Pastor Park talked about how our hearts are different, and on this day, he started the sermon with how the thoughts of the flesh are always evil.


“Changing your heart is very easy. Jesus told the man in infirmity for 38 years to walk. That was the heart of Jesus. However, the thought of flesh is different. ‘No, I can’t walk!’ It is different from the heart of Jesus. If you throw away your evil heart and accept the heart of Jesus, you can change your heart. If you change your heart, God will live and work inside of you. Amen.”


The world of heart in the Bible that Pastor Park delivered knocked and opened up the hearts of Christian leaders of India, who have lived spiritual life with their own thoughts and own deeds. 500 pastors gathered the previous day, and the following day, total of 700 pastors gathered and put down their thoughts of sin and accepted God’s heart that made us whole eternally.

“The world is too big to visit everyone and put new hearts into people. So I published this book so that anyone can have a new heart.”

After the seminar, Pastor Ock Soo Park attended the publication ceremony of the book ‘Navigating the Heart’, and ‘Heart Store.’ Guests have attended the ceremony including Venugopal Chary, Special Representative of Telangana, Papi Reddy, Chairman of State Council of Higher Education, and deans. Two books have been published to bring new heart to the youth of India.

Before the message of the author, Pastor Ki Sung Kim testified how he met Pastor Park and learned about the world of heart, and Pastor Ock Soo Park’s message followed.


“I want to make a heart store. It is no use telling the youths, ‘don’t do drugs, don’t play games too much.’ However, if you put new hearts in them, they will not fall into crime or temptations and live a happy life.”

“I will make the youths of India go to bed every night with happiness in their hearts and wake up every morning with hope.”

After the publication ceremony, the NELF began. The chairman of the Telangana state council of higher education gave a keynote speech, and the Gracias Choir performed. Pastor Ock Soo Park, the IYF founder gave a message after the performance.


Pastor Park told the story of how he raised his children controlling their desires, talked about how hopeful it was to carry out mind education to the children and the youth of India, and asked for support.

The last schedule of the visit was the ‘Christmas Cantata’ at Shilpakala Vedika hall in downtown Hyderabad.

Special Representative of Telangana, Former Chief of the Police Agency, Vice Minister of Home Affairs of India Central Government, Minority Coordinator of India Republican Party, and deans of colleges have attended as guests of the Cantata. The audience stood in line an hour before the performance and filled the 2,100 seats.

The audience even sat on the aisle and stairs, and applauded when the word ‘JESUS’ appeared on the screen during the first act, which was about the birth of Jesus. They cheered with all their hearts at the ending scene, where Jesus was finally born.


Pastor Park came up on stage after the first act and talked about “how electricity run through wires and hearts run through hearts” and explained in detail to the audience about the meaning of Jesus’ birth.


He preached the Gospel powerfully as he introduced the story of Hyundai President, Ju Young Jung and said “If Jesus says we are righteous, we are righteous. Jesus came to this land and washed all our sins.”




Christian Leaders Fellowship, Christmas Cantata, NELF, and the publication ceremony. Mind lectures in schools, in prisons, and media interviews in between… The name, the program, the people were all different but it all delivered the heart of God who loved India, and the heart of Jesus Christ who made us righteous to the people of India.



Just like electricity run through wires, Jesus Christ will run through India and India will be covered with the Gospel.

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