“In 2017, we are planning to preach the Gospel to so many people all over the world. In Acts 13:47, it says, “For the Lord has commanded us: ‘I have set you as a light to the Gentiles, That you should be for salvation to the ends of the earth.’ Now, it says that God has opened the way for us to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth and to the Gentiles. When we put our hearts together to preach the gospel to the Gentiles and to all the corners of the world, just like how God had given the widow of Zarephath the jar of everlasting flour, after she had given the small amount of flour that she actually had, give your lives to God’s hands. I believe that the wonderful blessing of this year, 2017, is us, who will be used to do the amazing work of saving the whole world.”
-From the New Year’s Message of Pastor Ock Soo Park-
Following the word that was delivered to us from God through his servant; ‘In 2017, the whole world will be saved.’, we were able to have the opportunity to introduce the Mind Education and the IYF at the ‘17th National Jamboree of Scout and Guides’ that took place in India on the 4th January, which consists of 35000 members, including education leaders, students and guides.
Boy and Girl Scouts are well-known all over the world and takes place in 216 countries, but the most active Scout groups are known to be in India.
A Jamboree is when the youths gather together in a campsite to do camping, take part in cultural experiences and develop their leadership through training. At this Jamboree, which takes place once every four years, there were over 35000 members who came from all over India. (25000 students, 5000 guides, and 5000 education leaders and staff members.
Especially, during this Jamboree, there was the participation of the President of India, Governor of the Karnataka Province among many heights of the education world in order to meet in person, the youths who will lead India in the future.
Mr Sindhia, the Director of Scouts in the Karnataka Province, had met the other directors at the headquarters of the IYF and was told to participate in the World Camp. Like that, he participated in the IYF Camp 2 times and opened his heart towards the IYF while listening to the Mind Lecture and therefore invited us to deliver the Mind Lecture at this event.
It was originally decided to do many more things than just the Mind Lecture such as the Cantata and the performances of Rio Montana as well as the ‘Education Leaders Conference’, but there was a schedule that had already been decided a long time ago and even for the Mind Education to take place, there had to be a cancellation of a laser show. When a part of the budget had been given to the IYF, a few of the event organizers complained. However, the director, who had heard the Mind Education in person defended it by saying, “What do you gain from watching a laser show? If you listen to the Mind Education, the minds and hearts of the students can change, so that is why we must do this Mind Education!” Like this, he protected the IYF against opposition until the schedule was set.
“At first, the Jamboree is such a big event, that is was burdensome for me. One day, I was reading the word in Psalms 67:2 ‘That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.’ and had heard the word of Pastor Ock Soo Park who said that the gospel will be preached to the ends of the earth. I was able to see that the Jamboree was a method that could be used to preach the gospel as there are scouts all over India. Although there was opposition from the event organizers, just like how Jesus Christ asked the blind man in Luke 18, ‘What do you want me to do for you?’, God was able to open the heart of the Director of the Jamboree and through that we were able to accomplish all that we wanted. I am thankful to God, who has given us this opportunity to participate in this event that will spread the gospel all over India.”
-Tommy Henderson, Director of IYF in Karnataka
On the 31st of December, there was a Christmas Cantata in front of all the participants of the Jamboree. The Christmas Cantata performance, which was used to preach the gospel to over 200, 000 people in India in 2016, once again delivered a touching performance to scouts of 29 different provinces.
On the 2nd of January, Pastor Jae Hong Kim spoke about the necessity and the importance of the Mind Education to over 200 education leaders. (Minister of Province Collaboration, 20 Chancellors and education representatives).
“Korea was one of the poorest countries in the 1960s with a GDP of 90 USD. General McArthur wept, saying that Korea will never be able to stand again even after 100 years. However, 50 years later, Korea has become the world’s 7th largest exporting country. There were no resources in Korea. However, we developed human resources. People who have succeeded have a special mind that ordinary people do not have. You are not born with a great mind. Through education, it is more than possible to gain this good mind and change oneself. The reason why young people need this Mind Education is because they must have a correct mind in order to end up with a sound values and the correct mind that is able to lead a nation.”
After the Mind Lecture, the Scouts Representatives and Education Leaders had the opportunity to have a Q&A session and it was even suggested that this Mind Education be integrated into the education system lead the youth as well as starting this education via the teachers.
“Today we have heard about the IYF Mind Education that has changed and led the youth for the past 20 years. I was able to learn about the IYF from the Governor of the province and I was invited to this place. The IYF and Scouts have a similar direction that we want to take youths in. Develop a sound mind and nurture leaders that can live for others. I am very thankful that I have been invited here today and if you give us a written proposal, we will go through it with earnest”
Director of Scouts India, Mr Nagarale
“I have known about the IYF from last year. I have been touched by all the events that are happening globally, especially the Mind Education. It is so great. I hope that we will receive a lot of help from the IYF to train the youths of India to lead India to a better country. In one word, the Mind Education of the IYF is so excellent!”
Director of Jamboree and Director of Scouts in Karnataka, Mr Sindhia
The missionaries of each region of India had the opportunity to meet the leaders and the students that had come from their region and discussed opportunities for the IYF Mind Education to take place in their respective areas. God has upgraded the level of the IYF through the invitation to the Jamboree; we were therefore able to see those who had opened their hearts towards us. In the evenings, Rio Montana had the opportunity to perform and we were also able to deliver the Mind Lecture.
When God had allowed us to meet the Scouts Directors of each country last year, we did not know the reason why he did so.
Because India’s Scouts activities are very active, it is in fact true that the wonderful way has opened for us to not only do the Mind Education for the scouts in India but also use the Mind Education to spread the gospel and change the youths of the whole world.
God had opened the door last year through the Christmas Cantata Tour to preach the gospel in each province. From the beginning of 2017, he has already began to accomplish his will to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth through the meeting with the Scouts organization.
We give all the glory and praises to God.