The sixth city is Indianapolis. Indianapolis holds the 2nd Christmas Cantata after last year. At 7 pm (local time) on September 25th, the Christmas Cantata will open at the Old National Center — located downtown and a well-known theater to the people of the city. Over 60 citizens of Indianapolis who participated in the 2014 Christmas Cantata sent an email thanking us for re-inviting them this year and requested 400 tickets.
“While preparing the Cantata, I called Pastor Park one day. The pastor gave me a short fellowship saying, ‘Satan tells me that it won’t work, every single day. But that is fake. It’s not the truth. If you throw that away and go forward, God will open the way. First, organize your thoughts’. Satan keeps on telling us, ‘It’s not possible.’ But as I spoke about the Cantata and our mission, people opened their hearts and I could see God opening the way. ‘If I met with these people in my name would they have opened their hearts?’ I could see God helping as I met the people in the name of the Mission and in the name of the Cantata.” – Pastor You Up Kim (Indianapolis Church Missionary)
“As I worked as Cantata Volunteer last year, the atmosphere was great and especially the performance was inspiring – it was a performance that I have never seen before. So I reapplied this time. I don’t know how to describe it but in one word it’s ‘Ah!’ You know one of those things you say when you get a cultural shock you. Cantata is Ah!” – Ciro Sandoval (Volunteer) “I participated last year when my friend Benjamin brought me along and the letter work and delivering was really fun. The Christmas Cantata was literally beautiful. Last year, the seats were full and I since it became famous I’m sure more people will come.” – Herman Mesquita (Volunteer)
Unable to forget the emotional charge lingering behind, the 2400 Indianapolis citizens remained standing at their seats even until the curtains closed after Gracias Choir’s encore song, God Bless America.
“I first attended the Christian Leader’s Meeting, and the world of the mind that the meeting talked about was very good. The story of one missionary’s father was very impressive. Also, the 1st stage that told the story of Christmas was most impressive among the Christmas Cantata performances. The despair and pain of the Israelites, the birth of Jesus, and the joy afterwards was very symbolic and powerful.” – Phil Jackson Junior
“The 1st stage was most impressive. The birth of Jesus brought tears to my heart. Jesus dies on the cross for us. Jesus gave us eternal redemption. So we can live in joy and thankfulness. Jesus redeemed all our sins.” – Bora Morgan “I was able to feel the thankfulness of Jesus’ birth once again through this Christmas Cantata. The chorus of the 1st and 3rd stage was good. I was able to feel hallelujah once again in my heart through the chorus. The story of the missionary stung by the scorpion was very impressive. When venom entered his body Jesus healed him. I have venom in my body but Jesus gave eternal redemption.” – Bougcrane
“It was very good. It was fantastic and wonderful. Such performances don’t come by often but I’m so thankful that it is free. The 1st stage was most impressive to me. The contents were beautiful. It was moment of thanks for the birth of Jesus. The birth of Jesus is the miracle of this earth. Also, the pastor spoke about eternal redemption and we are clean and holy. That’s why I can say I am righteous.“ – Gale
Everything of this earth changes but the Words of God does not change. The citizens of Indianapolis received the precious blood of Jesus today before the birth of Christ. After the performance, the face of the people lit up with a bright smile. We could see the unchanging Words fill their hearts with eternal joy and gratefulness.