From the 22nd of March to the 1st of April there has been a two-week camp for the student in Ivory Coast who were on their Easter Holidays. From the 22nd of March to the 25th there were regional camps outside of Abidjan and from the 29th of March to the 1st of April there was a conference camp in Abidjan with Pasotr Juwon Kim from Good News Yeosu Church.
Camp which overcame terrorism
Two weeks before the camp took place in a beachside hotel in Bassam, which is thirty minutes away from Abidjan, there was a IS terror attack which killed more than one hundred people.
After this day the government called upon the FBI to investigate and on television there were adverts saying that people should not go to big gatherings where there will be a big crowd of people. The schools were not allowing recruitment of the students for the camp as well, therefore the camp seemed impossible. However, the week after the terrorist attack there was the regional camps all throughout the country as well as in the capital Abidjan. Obviously it was difficult to hire a place and recruit participants but just in Abidjan there were more than a thousand participants. Regardless of the circumstances God has called upon his new children and allowed them to have a joyful and blessed time under his wings.
The regional camps took place in rented school in ten different cities including Yamoussoukro, San-Pedro, Abengourou, Man, and Divo.
During the camp the local pastors of Ivory Coast were invited as speakers and they preached in the morning and the evening. Also there were mind lectures, gospel classes, academies (English, math, Korean, C