Many organisations in Kenya are becoming more enthusiastic about the mind of the IYF.
There already had been MOUs prepared with the Boy Scouts as well as the National Prisons and the Police. Not only that, the founder of IYF, Pastor Ock Soo Park, was invited to hear about the mind that he had and, Pastor Young Joo Park explained the need for Mind Lecture.

Pastor Young Ju Park and Gracias Choir Feature on News Channel, K24
On the 2nd of August Pastor Ock Soo Park and Gracias Choir featured on NTV and on the 3rd, at 8am, Pastor Young Joo Park and Gracias Choir featured on K24. K24 is the 4th most popular news channel in Kenya and it has become more of a focal point these days because of upcoming elections. In August last year, the IYF had already featured on the channel during their Camp.

Pastor Young Joo Park precisely explained the process in which the IYF was founded. He also explained the importance of the Mind Education, especially in Kenya, a country that is rapidly developing. He said that the desires of the students will only grow bigger, highlighting the importance of the Peace Camps that will help to teach students self-control and the ability to think deeply. That is the only way that there can be peace.
The presenter was amazed by the Mind Education.

On the other hand, members of Gracias Choir, Baritone Kyung Soo Park and Soprano Su Yeon Lee, amazed all the people at the station with their beautiful songs in Swahili. Originally it was planned that they would only sing 5 songs but 2 more were requested once they had been touched by the music. The programme lasted for 50 minutes and it was an opportunity to spread the news about IYF and Gracias Choir to the whole of Kenya. It was also an opportunity to promote the Christmas Cantata that was going to take place on that day.

MOU between IYF Founder Pastor Ock Soo Park and Director of Prisons in Kenya
The Director of Prisons attended the World Camp that was taking place in the Moi Indoor Gymnasium.

The Director of Prisons and his wife had attended the World Camp in Korea past July and was inspired. He discovered the importance of the Mind Education not only for the prisoners but also the prison officers. 300 prison officers were therefore trained during the Peace Camp and the Director had come to form an MOU while Pastor Ock Soo Park was in Kenya.

Before the morning programme began, Pastor Ock Soo Park met the Director in the VIP room to talk about the Mind Education. He mentioned that a lot of countries were interested in this Mind Education and also that the President of Ghana and Togo met with him to talk specifically about the Mind Education.
The Director said, “The youth in Kenya have a lot of problems. We have to prevent them from burning down schools, destroying the roads, and acting out of instinct. Especially, because they do not think in the long-term, they may be used during this election period. Please help them to be able to think deeper.”

Pastor Ock Soo Park replied, “I am a Pastor. The woman caught in the act of adultery was tied down by the lustful heart. She also had different thoughts but because her heart was filled with the heart of wanting to commit adultery, she was caught up in lust, despair and fear. After she met Jesus Christ, her heart was then filled with peace, hope, grace and faith. I am not telling students not to do certain things, rather if they change their hearts, then their lives will change.” Afterwards, Pastor Bang Won Park preached the gospel.

Following the morning sermon session, the founder of IYF, Pastor Ock Soo Park, and the Director of Prisons, took part in the MOU Signing Ceremony.

In the MOU, it stated that the Prisons will provide continual MindEducation to the prisoners as well as educating the prison officers. The Prison Chief was very happy and the prison officers came to the stage to take a picture together.
Meeting of Pastor Ock Soo Park and the Deputy Police Commissioner, George Kinoti

In the afternoon, the Deputy Police Comissioner, George Kinoti visited the indoor gymnasium. While participating in the World Camp in Korea, he was able to witness the scene in which the youth were changing and he wanted to implement the Mind Education to all the Police Department of Kenya. The two organisations were therefore planning an MOU to take place.
During the meeting with Pastor Ock Soo Park, the Deputy Commissioner said, ‘The police are very busy with protecting the President. The Commissioner should be the one to come meet Pastor but he could not come because he is the head of the President’s security. We have finished the preparation for the MOU. However, because there is an election soon, it is not very good timing. After the election and everything settles down, we want to invite Pastor and sign the MOU.”

Pastor Ock Soo Park replied that it was fine and he began to pray for the upcoming election. He prayed for the political stability and peace of Kenya. Because the Deputy Commissioner was also very busy, he could not attend the event but he had the opportunity to meet the Gracias Choir who were in the middle of a rehearsal.

After listening to the Gracias Choir singing in Swahili, he said, “The Swahili pronunciation of the Choir is exact. I am pretty sure that I could not sing better than them. It is so exciting and amazing. Wonderful.”
Because of the IYF, the whole of Kenya is bouncing. Many different organisations are fighting over the opportunity to sign an MOU with the IYF first. We are full of hope when we think about the youth who will lead the Kenya in the future through the mind that they have learnt from the IYF.