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[Korea]Good News Mission Easter Commemoration Service (April 27, 2011)


With theme of ‘Lord Jesus Christ rose-again, I serve Him always’ over 15,000 saints gathered in Olympic Park Gymnastics Stadium On Sunday morning of April 24 at 10:30AM, Good News Mission National United Easter Commemoration Service was held in Olympic Park Gymnastics Stadium in Songpa-Gu, Seoul.

Easter is the oldest anniversary among all Christian holidays, and it symbolizes the victory day when Jesus Christ, who was crucified for our sins, resurrected three days after his death. The most fundamental limitation of us human beings is death, but Jesus overcame death with the resurrection, and the more remarkable thing is the fact that the victory of resurrection was given to us also. Unfortunately, lots of Christians are holding grand Easter events, but the resurrection of Jesus Christ has not become theirs; thus, although Jesus has had victory against the authority of sin and death, they are still living under sin and death. Rather, many Christians not only do not become salt and light, but become the subject of criticism, and in current days, it is surely a meaningful thing indeed to spread the true meaning of the resurrection.

All churches nationwide held united service in Gymnastics Stadium in Seoul to commemorate the resurrection; over 15,000 brothers and sisters gathered together and the united services started with Gracias Choir’s Easter Concert.

In the following preaching session, speaker Pastor Ock Soo Park (Good News Gangnam Church Chief Pastor) preached the words in Mark Chapter 16 and said, “From 1 to verse 18 in March chapter 16, it showed that the disciples of Jesus and also people close to Jesus had no faith at all. However, in verse 20, because Jesus working with them, the people who did not have faith went out and preached the gospel in Jerusalem and the gospel was spread throughout the world, even till now”, and said to all the participants, “No matter how faithless we are, do not look at yourself with your eyes, but look at us with Jesus’ eyes, then we know that we will be changed into workers by the power of the Lord” and this was the Easter message.

Sister Jung-Ae Kim (28 years old, Gwangju Nam-gu), who attended the worship service today shared her testimonials about the service and said, “It is not easy for all brothers and sisters who live far away from each other to gather in one place, but this time because of the occasion of Easter, we can gather together and share the Easter message, which is so thrilling and thankful.

Elder Soo-il Kim (55 years old, Pusan Daeyeon Church), who stepped out of home in Pusan at 4:40 early in the morning to attend the service said, “Although the disciples of Jesus Christ had no faith toward Jesus, as long as Jesus is together with them, Jesus can change them into workers of faith; when I was listening to these words, hope rose in my heart that even though I’m lacking and faithless, as long as Jesus is together with me, he will also change me into a worker of faith”.

On the other hand, the operation team of this event shared their testimony, “Recently, as reported on newspapers and broadcasts, because of various corruptions happened in churches, Christianity has become the target of concern and criticism among the public, and Christianity is declining both in size and quality. In the middle of this trend, Good News Mission affiliated churches gathered together to celebrate Easter, despite the long distances, meaning the urge to have changes and reform among Korean churches, made itself a very meaningful event”.

The established churches in South Korea are collapsing, especially those large churches are no longer able to hide their corruption and irregularities, and their Easter joint service itself has become their method to cover their shames and to somehow show a gesture of uniting in the name of Jesus. During this kind of era, we can strongly feel God’s imminent and deep heart through the Easter United Service held in Gymnastics Stadium, where living lives with gospel who filled up the Gymnastics Stadium, became one under living God’s word. ‘It is different to believe with my own eyes and to believe with the eyes of the words. ‘Just as the fact that we already become righteous through the resurrection of Jesus, we have also become God’s army who defeated the power of sin and death, and broke the wiles of Satan to block the light of gospel!’ The message erupted from the servant’s heart prodded and knocked on everyone’s heart. The message woke and heated the hearts towards the Gospel and straightened out the blurred and dulled minds. After worship, the scene of 15,000 saints exiting the stadium looked like the gymnastics stadium was exploding, or just as the God’s armies, who are going to change the world till the end of the earth, were leaving the building. On this day, all saints nationwide cannot help but to praise God with overwhelming enthusiasm and excitement.

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