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[Mexico] God Has Opened a Large door for Mind Education


The Mind Lecture is Introduced to the Mexican Press

On the 21st of August 2016, Pastor Ock Soo Park had received the title of ‘Honorary Doctoral of Education’ in Azteca Unviversity, recognizing the work that he has done for the youth all around the world. Thereafter, there was continued collaboration between the IYF branch in Mexico and Azteca University and during regular meetings between the two parties, the proposition of starting a Mind Education course was discussed and currently, it is at the stage of making enquiries about the accommodation and salary of professors of such Mind Education.


Likewise, it was decided that on the 6th March, Pastor Ock Soo Park would deliver the Mind Lecture in front of the Director and executive of this school and executives from campuses all over the country. The lecture will be broadcast live to the ten campuses in the country and from the April following the lecture, the Mind Education will be established as a course.


Not too long ago, there was an incident that made the Mind Lecture so much more essential in Mexico. On 18th January (local time), there was a school shooting. The incident occurred in the Northern region of Mexico, Monterrey, and took place in an American private school where a 15 year-old student shot a female teacher and 3 other students before finally turning the gun on oneself to commit suicide.

The President of the newspaper, ‘El Sol de Puebla’, said, “It is shocking that what we often see captured in the news in America has happened here in Mexico. The scarier problem is that this is not the end, and we must look for a solution to this problem as soon as possible.”


Although shootings at nightclubs have occurred previously in Mexico, there never had been such a serious school shooting like America in the past. Thus, the shock was that much greater in Mexico.

Therefore, the government and education representatives as well as several of the press have been trying their hardest to prevent further attacks while also researching the source or reason such incidents through methods such as regular bag searches at school. Despite their best efforts one must admit that prevention cannot be the solution for the source of the problem.

Around about this time, Mind Specialist Lecturer, Eun Sung Choi, had an interview with President Seraphin of the newspaper, ‘El Sol de Puebla’ to talk about the source and the prevention of incidents like the school shooting in Monterrey. ‘El Sol de Puebla’ is an influential paper in the city of Puebla, which has a population of 1.5 million people. He stressed that the source of this incident was the weak and isolated hearts of the students, while stating that through the Mind Education the students would be able to learn the ability to cogitate and control oneself as well as communicate. These things, he emphasized, would fundamentally eradicate the source of such an incident.

Moreover, Televisa (largest Spanish broadcasting station in South America) Puebla invited Mind Specialist Lecturer, Eun Sung Choi, to have an interview about Mind Education. In the program, ‘Aqui Estamos’, he said, “The main point of the Mind Education is Self-Control and Cogitation. This Mind Lecture is not only useful to the students but also to athletes, patients and, essentially, everyone. If you change your heart through the Mind Education, you will become joyful, no matter what your surroundings may be.”

After the interview, there was a meeting with the President of Televisa Puebla and the Executive Producer of TV program ‘Angelica’. During the meeting there were suggestions of Mind Education for the executives of Televisa Puebla and discussions for the Mind Lecture to broadcasted on television.


Through the TV and the newspaper article that went out on this day, many high schools and middle schools began to inquire about the Mind Lecture, and especially through the questions about the Mind Lecture did not cease from the parents, one could easily feel the uneasiness that the parents were feeling after the Monterrey school shooting.

Even in the coming week, schedules were set for the IYF branch in Mexico to have interviews about the Monterrey school shooting for the ‘Reforma’ newspaper (one of the top 4 newspapers in Mexico), ‘El Norte’ (the biggest newspaper in Monterrey), ABC radio and the magazine, ‘Punto Aero’.

Therefore, the IYF branch in Mexico is preparing to expand the Mind Lecture program that had been happening in middle and high schools, including a variety of places such as military bases, universities and broadcasting stations. In preparation for the explosion of demand for the Mind Lecture, there will be training for 100 Mind Specialist Lecturers over 3 days in the IYF Izcalli branch in Mexico.






It is without question that the visit of Pastor Ock Soo Park on 6th March and the Mind Education will be a spark for the education in Mexico.

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