The third day, June 8
Mongolia, the third day of world camp the students woke up at 6 o’clock in the morning, moved from hostel to the convention hall, had breakfast and spent time with their own classmates until academic time. In the Dance Academy time today, students learned an African dance called Padda-Padda. Although Mongolian students were unfamiliar to the African dance and were shy at first but as they learned together, naturally, they began to cheer and dance together excitingly.
In evening meeting time, students watched performances of Bucheon Lincoln School students and the real story of Jeong Daecheol prepared by Korean students. The main character in the real story, Jeong Daecheol wanted to live life as he wished but life didn’t turn into that way and when the life became very hard for him, he met the IYF and went to Liberia through Good News Corps Overseas Volunteer Program. The real story is about what he encountered there. At the beginning, Jeong Daecheol complained a lot about life in Africa and had lots of conflicts with other members. But when he saw another member, John Choi was dying from venom of Scorpion but survived against the venom right after he heard the words from Pastor Ocksoo Park, saying “To beat scorpion venom, you need new strength, and in the Bible, it is said that they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength!”, Jeong Daecheol changed his heart, and just because of this simple reason, all the life he used to complain became so thankful, although no circumstance really changed. And this time, Jeong Daecheol was in Mongolia, as the Master of Ceremony during World Camp. When the students watched the real story, their heart became the same as Pastor’s and they changed their heart from “only want to live by my own will” to “live for other people through overseas volunteer rather than live for myself”.