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[Philippines] The Wonderful World Camp in Davao, Despite not Having an IYF Branch


<The Background to the hosting of the World Camp in Davao, Philippines>

On the 9th of February 2017, the World Camp in Davao opened it curtains at the University of Southeastern Philippines (USeP). If one mentions the Philippines, most people would think of the capital city, Manila in the Luzon Island, but the city that hosted this World Camp was a 2-hour plane journey away in the Island of Mindanao.


Recently, the city of Davao has become well-known as the current President of Philippines, Rodrigo Duerte, had been a mayor there for ten years. During his time as mayor, he decreased the crime rate until it had almost become 0%. In the capital city of Manila, it is dangerous for a foreigner to walk around at night but the city of Davao is well-known to be the second safest city in the whole of Asia.

Especially, despite not having a Mission branch or and IYF branch, the World Camp was still held in Davao.


The reason for that was the Superintendent of Education, Dr. Isabellita Borres, who attended the Mind Education training in 2014, in Korea, was moved to the Mindanao Island and requested for there to be Mind Education in her area as well. So, a presentation was organized to introduce the Mind Education. After the presentation, we visited the capital city of that Island, Davao, and registered for a Mind Specialist Training Seminar at the Ministry of Education. Then, going to the best university of the island, USeP, we delivered many letters of invitation and introductory brochure to the Chancellor of the University in order to invite him to the World Education Leaders’ Forum in Korea. The previous summer, the Ministry of Education in Davao gave permission for there to be a Seminar for the teachers before the World Camp in Korea and the Chancellor also decided to attend the World Education Leaders Forum.


The Chancellor of USeP, who opened his heart wide after attending the World Education Leaders Forum, through the individual meeting with Pastor Ock Soo Park, had a great vision to establish a course for the Mind Education and host a World Camp. So, when the IYF met with the Chancellor, there was a IYF club set up in the university and sincerely discussed the possibility of the Mind Education course as well as hosting the above mentioned World Camp in Davao.

<Opening Ceremony of the World Camp in Davao>

From the 8th, there was a time for registration and orientation and on the 9th, despite being a weekday morning, 3500 students packed the gymnasium of the USeP to attend the Opening Ceremony of the World Camp. All the venue and food was being provided by the USeP and there were also a few corporate sponsors.



The Opening Ceremony began with the national anthem of the Philippines and followed by the stage of the ‘Righteous Stars’ and ‘Rio Montana’.

The smiles of the ‘Righteous Stars’ and the passionate music of ‘Rio Montana’ opened the hearts of the participants and began to warm up the atmosphere of the World Camp.


The Chancellor of USeP, during her opening message said that it was an honor to host the World Camp at her school, thanking the IYF and hoping that the Camp is not the end but the starting point of the collaboration. The Chancellor, through the education of the mind, hoped that new leaders of the future will arise from her school.




Afterwards, there was a performance from the USeP dance team and the Korea traditional ‘Fan Dance’ by the Lincoln House School. All the audience really enjoyed the beauty and the luxury of the Fan Dance.




Especially, the students of the Gracias Preparatory School, conducted by Sergei Spoiski, with their bright and clear voices presented an amazing performance.





Next was the Mind Lecture from Pastor Ock Soo Park

Although John Choi was in a despairing situation in which he could only die because of the sting from the scorpion, when he listened to the word of Pastor and sought or God, he was able to have hope and continued to live. This shows that happiness or despair begins from the heart. Moreover, he said that the heart is like a VCR player so, according to what you put in your heart, your life will change.

<The Chancellor of USeP hears the Gospel and Receives Salvation>

In the afternoon, Pastor Ock Soo Park had the opportunity to preach the gospel to the Chancellor of USeP in the VIP suite of the venue.


Pastor Ock Soo Park talked about the gospel that he had preached to the Ghanaian President saying that we are not sinner because we commit sin but through the sentencing that we are sinners. He said that we must look at the ‘sentencing’ that God had given to us humans in the Romans 3:23-24.


“God has sentenced you like this. In verse 23, we do not know how many thousands or millions of sins that we have committed, but like it says in verse 24, by the redemption of God, he has given us the sentencing that we are righteous. Will you believe in God’s word? Or will you believe in your own thoughts?”

“I will believe in the Word.”, the Chancellor replied.

“In verse 24, it says. Grace means that it is regardless of our own actions. It is not we who must work hard but it is something that we receive for free. Jesus Christ’s death on the cross is the same as your death on the cross as well, so by the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, we have received the forgiveness of sin and we are now able to go to heaven”, Pastor Ock Soo Park continued.


The Chancellor was touched and said that she was so thankful for having listened to the wise words of the Bible.


“Hello, my name is Lourdes Generalao. I am the Chancellor of USeP.

Firstly, I would like to truly thank the IYF representatives. Especially, I felt thankful that Pastor Ock Soo Park came all the way to the Philippines to deliver the Mind Lecture in front of 4000 students.

As I attended the World Camp last year, I learnt a lot of things and I followed the heart of wanting to host a World Camp in Davao as well.


I am refreshed spiritually. Through some of the Bible readings that Pastor had given to us through the fellowship, all of our sins have been washed by Jesus Christ and I believe in this word. I am not a sinner but a righteous. It is because Jesus Christ has passed away on the cross. Speaking with Pastor Ock Soo Park today was the most important time for me. I thank the IYF and I believe that this camp will not be the end but a beginning for a new start. We are working to use the Mind Education as a course in our university. I believe that is the correct way to lead the students to the correct path. I believe that these students will become strong leaders of the future. Thank you.” – Chancellor of USeP, Dr. Lourdes Generalao


Although there is no IYF branch here, the World Camp is taking place so wonderfully in an area that needs and wants it. When we see the sound mind being delivered to the students through the Chancellor of USeP, who has opened her heart, we are filled with hope. The World Camp in Philippines lasts until the 12th (Sun) and we are hopeful of the change that will arise in the hearts of the students.

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