On April 12 (Sun), To celebrate Easter, the Korea Christian Association (KCA) held the “2020 Korean Churches Easter Online Joint Worship”.
As this Easter Joint Worship was held online, not only the churches affiliated with KCA (Korea Christian Association) but also churches and Christians all across the world attended and recorded the largest number of attendees in history for the Easter Worship hosted by the KCA.

Pastor Ock Soo Park preaching at the 2020 Korean Churches Easter Online Joint Worship
On this day through the Youtube channel (GoodNewsTV), Good News Mission website, GoodNewsTV app, Facebook, video chatting apps and more, the worship was broadcast globally in 94 countries in 6 languages (Korean, English, French, Chinese, Russian, Spanish). More than 6 million Christians, Christian Leaders Fellowship (CLF) affiliated pastors and others were in attendance.

Through the South America Facebook page, hundreds of thousands attended and there were 3100 comments during the worship.
In Asia, through Youtube, Facebook and other social media, the broadcast was live streamed and around 1,500,000 people watched. In South America, many churches from various countries that got connected through the retreat hosted by the Good News Mission branches and CLF watched together. In South America and Africa, broadcast stations and churches received the video from Youtube and broadcasted it through retransmission, and together with Europe and Oceania, approximately 500,000 people attended.
Additionally, through CLF, 240,000 pastors listened to the word of the Good News Mission. Recently due to the corona virus, India and many countries in Europe have restricted moving about thus many people could not go to service nor attend service as churches could not prepare broadcasts, but through Youtube many church members and pastors tuned in to the Online Easter Worship.
In particular, in South America while the worship was broadcast live on social media, over 3000 comments were written and many testimonies that “My sins have been washed” came flooding.

At this site of the South American online broadcast

“We connected and broadcast to Church alliances, Christian federations and groups that attended CLF as well as our mission’s Facebook page in Spain. The most amazing thing was that as the morning broadcast began (Saturday evening local time) the number of people watching quickly grew, and an unprecedented number of people tuned in to watch and there were over 3000 comments. I was able to read messages of how people got saved, how their sins became as white as snow, how they became justified and sanctified in front of God and more. Many people sent their regards and thanked the pastor through the broadcast, I praise God for the hard work of sharing the Word of God.” – Carlos / Mexico (Manager for the South America Internet Service)
Easter Message
The online Easter worship hosted by the KCA had 3 sessions only on the internet. Early morning worship online at 5:30 AM, Easter online joint worship at 10 AM and the Easter Cantata online broadcast and worship at 7 PM. Large TVs were placed between the empty seats and the speaker Pastor Ock Soo Park (Founder of Good News Mission and CLF) who took to the pulpit. The faces of attendees giving worship through the internet were shown on the TV screens. Pastor Park powerfully delivered his message while facing the attendees on the TV screens.

Giving service face-to-face online.
As Pastor Park quoted Romans 4:25 ‘Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification’ he preached that “The death of Jesus upon the cross was to pay the price of our sins” and “When Jesus rose again, he came to prove that he has justified us, as if saying ‘Your sins are all solved. Look. Look at my nail pierced hands. Look at my pierced side. I received the punishment for your sins’”.
“Loving folks, we have received the forgiveness of sins by the blood of Jesus and the heart that led Jesus was shared and given to us all. If we look closely at our hearts, the same heart of Jesus who shed his blood for our sins on the cross is flowing in us. To Peter and inside many pastors, there is that heart of Jesus but the wicked Satan did not make Peter focus on that heart but made his heart remain on the fact that he denied Jesus thrice, making him despair, tormented and disappointed and made brought him back to throwing his net at the sea of Galilee. But Jesus came to that Peter. In order to tell Peter ‘I have forgiven all your sins, this is no longer a problem. Feed my lambs’ he said ‘Lovest thou me more than all these?’
Just as Jesus asked Peter, Jesus asks me often as well. He salvaged me out from dirty sin and gave me strength and joy when I was in difficulties. At times when I am sitting down, I want to run out and preach the gospel.

“Loving folks, there is something I want to tell you. You have come for the 2020 Easter worship, but are you also bound by your wrongdoings and mistakes like Peter? Now, do not be led by your thoughts nor by Satan, Look upon the heart of the Lord when you received the forgiveness of sins. ‘How do I have that heart?’ That is not the case. Explore and find it. Folks, you have received the forgiveness of sins by the blood of Jesus. That heart is living and working inside of you. Peter did not have the heart to do so, but when he saw the lame man he said ‘In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk’ and raised the man. You are all a little Jesus. Jesus has made our nametags into ‘Jesus’. Amen Hallelujah. We have been made to live by the name of Jesus of Nazareth. That heart, that spirit is inside of us and has made it so we lack nothing in living like Jesus. We are now people who are together with Jesus of Nazareth. Amen! From the year 2020, live by the name of Jesus. From Easter 2020, the Jesus who rose again and worked in Peter also works in us. Hallelujah. Let us all praise Jesus. Let us praise Jesus who rose again.
Congratulatory Message from Pastors Abroad
Through CLF, pastors from countries all across the world are uniting their hearts centered around the words of the bible. Beginning with the 2017 New York CLF World Conference, currently after 3 years, 240,000 pastors all across the globe are together in the will to preach the gospel. On Easters, some of them sent a congratulatory message to Korea.

Bishop Joseph Serwadda / Presiding Apostle of Born Again Faith

Rigoberto Vega / President of the Evangelical Alliance Federation, Costa Rica

Pastor Bob Oliver / Philadelphia New Covenant Church

Pastor Ismael Kunda / Memphis Christ International Church

Bishop Joaquin Peña / Central Church of God

Pastor Kessel Brown / Peace and Victory Missionary Baptist Church

Online communion

Each family having the communion
After the morning worship, there was the communion to commemorate the body that was wounded and the blood that was shed for us on the cross.
To us who were dead in sin, Jesus rose again to justify us and manifests himself in our lives. He has given is the life of preaching the gospel and his love to the whole world. Easter 2020 was a day of the great work of the Lord as 6,000,000 people received freedom from their sins and problems and gained the faith that they were given the life to preach the gospel.
This service was evaluated as an exemplary practice of social distancing from various internet users and new media.