Last May 23rd – 24th for 1 night 2 days, the San Jose Church went on a witnessing trip to Fresno. A few weeks ago the brothers went to Fresno and experienced much grace and also this time we had a very fruitful trip. During the last trip we met two high schools and this time around we were able to go to the schools and introduce the World Camp and Korea Experience Program.
We left early in the morning from the church and split into two teams one to Sunnyside High School and the other to Edison High School to witness. The students there showed much interest in the World Camp and Korea Experience Program.
(San Jose short-term missionaries promoting the program and interested people signing up)
(Explaining the program)
After finishing witnessing at the two high schools we went to other high schools to meet with the principals. Although we were not able to meet with all the principal of each school we had a great opportunity to introduce the World Camp and Korea Experience Program to the school administration. We came back to our rooms and took a little rest, and coincidently we played basketball with people from Sacramento and we introduced IYF to them and they showed much interest. They asked if there’s a church in Sacramento and we told them that we have not yet established a church but we do have a location where we hold services. On the second day we divided into three teams. Two teams went to the high schools they went the day before to introduce the program and one team went to Mclance High School to promote. Many students in Sunnyside and Edison High School attended the introduction session and approximately 40 students from each school said they would like to attend the World Camp and Korea Experience Program. After completing the activities, we divided into two teams and each team invited the principals and school officials to dinner who helped us with the promotion activities. Amongst them, the vice principal of Sunnyside High School decided to send his son to Korea Experience Program and his daughter to Good News Corps program.
(Dinner with the principal and school officials)
Another team had a seminar at Brother David’s grandmother’s home. His grandmother received salvation through fellowship with Pastor last time, and this time she invited her granddaughter to listen to Pastor’s sermon. Pastor spoke about forgiveness of sin and about true spiritual life through the Word and not deeds. After the sermon, her granddaughter had individual fellowship with Pastor. She said that the day before the seminar she read the book “Secret of Forgiveness and Being Born Again” which she got from her grandmother and she accepted in her heart the words of Hebrews 10:17 “And their sins and iniquities I will remember no more”. Furthermore, while having fellowship with Pastor she was able to reassure her salvation. The granddaughter was so happy to receive salvation and her grandmother seeing that was even happier.
( During the seminar/ fellowship with the granddaughter)
When we think about the work God has done in Fresno, we can feel that God wants to save new souls in Fresno. Although the time we returned to San Jose was quite late because of the graceful times during the past two days our bodies were tired but our hearts of filled with hope.