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(Swaziland) Siyabonga Jesu! (Thank you Jesus!)

Currently in Swaziland, from the 9th (Wed) to 11th (Fri) of September, new sprouts of change are springing up in different places through the IYF Mindset Education Lecture.



In the morning and afternoon of the 10th, mind education was carried out twice with the principals of elementary, middle, and high schools at the Mfanyana Manzini Central High School. The event took place with 110 participating elementary, middle, and high school principals. Having already held the principals’ mind education, they paid full attention to the words.





They especially enjoyed the Gracias Choir’s performance and shouted encores twice and thrice, mesmerized by the Choir.




In the evening, a lecture was carried out with 400 participants gathered at the Swaziland’s national university, University of Swaziland.

University students, volunteers, professors, UNESCO Swaziland Branch Secretary General, Youth Council, Vice-Chancellor etc. participated in the event. The event could have been cancelled due to student demonstrations at the University but it was carried out successfully by consideration of the students. This IYF Mindset Education Lecture took place in a comfortable atmosphere that became a place of rest for the complicated heart of students.




Before the event, Vice Chancellor Prof. C.M. Magagula had a meeting with Pastor Ock Soo Park. The Vice Chancellor expressed his regrets for not having been able to attend this summer’s education leaders’ forum. Pastor Ock Soo Park spoke about the importance of the mind lecture and said the leaders of this era are those with a trained mind. The Vice Chancellor agreed that there is nothing special about Japan, Taiwan, etc. but that the youths should change their minds and learn the mindset that accomplished economic growth.




The program started with the cheery stage of the Righteous Stars together with the volunteers that attended the World Camp, and they presented a freshness in the audience’s hearts. Following, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Swaziland gave a welcoming speech. In his speech, he expressed hope that the students learn the mind of the strong-minded leadership of IYF and progress to become representatives of Swaziland.




The Gracias Choir, a name meaning ‘thanks,’ presented a beautiful melody to the students whose hearts were darkened with demonstrations by expressing a heart of gratefulness and joy through Jesus. Especially, the audience were awed by the splendid costumes of the Soprano Duet of Hye Mi Choi and Jun Young Park. They responded to the warmth gifted by the Gracias Choir with acclamation and smiles.




Recently, as the IYF started gaining publicity through various media such as newspapers, TV, etc. of Swaziland, the audience showed keen interest in what the world of the heart shared by the IYF is and how change begins.





Pastor Ock Soo Park explained, ‘There is strength and joy when hearts connect. Because I cannot overcome temptation, despair, and sadness with my heart, I gain the antibody to overcome them when I am connected to and flow with the heart of God. When you realize the heart of God, open your heart, and accept it, there is change and you become happy people.’


“Last January, Pastor Ock Soo Park visited Swaziland by invitation of the government. For 8 months, I was able to feel the will of God and see Him work by His plan irrespective of myself. Although Pastor was not able to meet with the King due to the King’s schedule, God opened a way to meet with the Minister of Youth, Minister of Education, and Deputy Prime Minister for further activities.

God is leading the way to lead Africa with a functional mind education through the Department of Education and teachers, showing His love for this country. Although there are difficulties in terms of circumstances, God has been leading us each time we step forward for the gospel.


I am thankful that Swaziland is changing through the visit of Pastor. We carried out mind education at Police College, Correctional Services College etc. in each government agency on the first day; mind lecture for the education leaders and students at a University on the next day; and mind education for teachers on the last day, today. Especially through the interview with national broadcast, SwaziTV, Pastor had the chance to preach the gospel directly to the people. Please continue to pray for Swaziland. Thank you.” (Missionary Tae Wook Kang/Swaziland Manzini Church)

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