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[Uganda] Update on the Conference with the President of Uganda, “Shall We Dance?”

The Conference between the President of Uganda and Pastor Ock Soo Park, from Missionary Hyung Jin Kim.

Inside the will and plan of God, the conference with the President of Uganda ended today with so much grace. Last month, when the President of Uganda visited Korea, the President and Pastor Park miraculously had their second meeting. Through that brief meeting, not only the President opened his heart wide to Pastor Park and Unhwa Ddobyul, but he hoped to hear about it in a greater detail that the President himself invited the pastor to Uganda – and that was how this conference came to be. At times, the conference seemed implausible because the date was not confirmed. However, it was scheduled 4 days prior to the date of conference that pastor made a visit to East Africa.

Today, (June, 26th) the day of the conference with the President. In the morning, the police escorted Pastor and his party to take off. On the middle of the way, the Minister of Youth joined to head to the Presidential Palace. The conference was scheduled at 10 am, but it was postponed to afternoon because the President was resting after the delayed return of the President of Kenya and the President of Rwanda to their countries the day before. The Minister of Youth, instead, took Pastor and his party to Entebbe Zoo then they all returned to the Presidential Palace.

After a delicious lunch at the State House, we waited for the conference. Of all days, groups from more than 10 different countries, including the U.S, China, Canada, and Germany, were waiting to meet the President so we had to continue waiting at the Presidential Palace. As we waited from noon to 7 o’clock in the evening, we had a great time, drinking teas, learning Pastor Park’s three exercise tips, and listening to his fellowship and testimonies. Not only the team from Unhwa, but the missionaries from the East Africa – Missionary Kim Wook Yong, Yang Duk Man, Jun Hee Yong, and Go Bong Jin – came along to the Presidential Palace, so we had a happy moment together. Pastor Park, also, was thankful saying, “God must be telling us to rest and relax because we did many works recently. I think this is the first time in our mission we have fellowship with this full rest.” As time passed by, some of us were concerned thinking that we might not be able to see the President, but little past 7 o’clock, the conference with the President began.

President Museveni treated the Pastor as if he was an old friend. As Pastor shared a testimony on how the Ddobyul was discovered, he also showed his heart, hoping that the Ddobyul will be approved as a medicine to eradicate the AIDS in Africa. He said that after the AIDS disappears from Africa, a grandmother will say to a little child, ‘A long time ago, many people died out because of a disease called AIDS, but the Koreans who believed in God brought the Ddobyul and got rid of AIDS from Africa.’ In addition, he said that he hopes that the President of Uganda would become the harbinger of the cure for AIDS in Africa and affirmed that people will remember the President as such. Upon listening to Pastor, the President continued to feel moved in his heart and commented, “Not because I do it, but it will be possible because you are volunteering for it.”

After that, the President heard a presentation from Director Eun Kyung Lee. To proceed with it, we requested lands for Ddobyul factory, IYF Center, and Broadcasting Station – as well as herbal medicine registration and an approval on clinical test.

Right on the spot, the President called for the head secretary to grant us 10-acre of land for factory and to find area near town for Youth Center and Broadcasting Station. Also he said to start the registration for both herbal medicine and clinical test right away – he imputed the Minister of Health for their processes.

After the conference, the President held hand to take a photo, just like he does for the presidents from other countries. The conference was over with so much thankfulness. Once outside, the Pastor was greatly delighted and moved. He was very thankful, saying, “Shall we even dance?”

Right after, Pastor returned to Uganada Church and preached a sermon for the brothers and sisters who had been waiting for him all day long. As they heard the amazing work of God, also the brothers and sisters were greatly strengthened in ther hearts. Upon seeing the good hands of God leading us according to His plans, we could rest in His will as we gave thanks. Please continue to pray for us.

From Kampala, Uganda Missionary Hyung Jin Kim

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