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(USA) Joy to the World! -San Jose Christmas Cantata


▲ The birth place of the Silicon Valley. House used when HP started in a garage

 The next destination that the Cantata Tour bus arrived after Los Angeles was San Jose the centre of the technology industry’s Silicon Valley. In Silicon Valley which is the symbol of technological revolution there are either headquarters or branches of hi-tech companies such as Google, Yahoo, Apple and Samsung.

▲ Entrance of Flint Center

▲ Mayor of Milpitas, Jose Esteves (Right) who delivered letter of appreciation to the Gracias Choir

▲ VIP Reception with 31 VIPs

 The Flint Center where the event was happening is where Steve Jobs for the first time unveiled the Mac PC in 1984. Every year there were shared holders’ meeting here, and until 1999 Mac products were introduced here. Recently on the 9th of September, Apple revisited Flint Center to unveil its new iPhone 6 and iWatch.

Flint Center is the main auditorium for De Anza College and has the capacity of 2400 seats. The auditorium is divided into 3 floors, there are balcony seats on each side and the modern and luxurious interior also catches the eye.

▲ Citizens who filled Flint Center

 The first Christmas Cantata in San Jose started with great expectations from many audiences.

▲ Jesus born in the manger

 When threatened by the Roman Soldiers, as the Israelites sang “O, Come, O Come Emmanuel” in wait for the Messiah. The audience who looked upon this also called upon a Messiah to save them from the pains in their heart.

▲ Overwhelming “Hallelujah!”

▲ Standing to listend devotedly to “Hallelujah”

▲ Pastor Joseph Park of Good News New York Church preaching the Gospel

▲ Citizens of San Jose listening to the Christmas Message

 “Many people being unaware of God’s heart living in pain. A certain price has to be paid in order for the committed sins to be forgiven, and for this God has sent Jesus to pay the price however many people still try receive forgiveness through their own methods. The heart that God has isn’t the heart of wanting us to suffer, but rather receiving the forgiveness of sin through believing Jesus’ heart.”

▲ Citizens attentively listening to the word

▲ Loween and Jim

Pastor Joseph Park preached the heart of God to the citizens of San Jose. As soon as the message finished it was met with endless applause.

“It was a fantastic performance. The voices were really beautiful. Somebody left a Dear Neighbor letter in front of our door that is how we got to come here, and my wife during the chorus of the third act continually shed tears. The voices of the choir were truly beautiful, and it was special. Thank you so much for inviting us to such performances and Merry Christmas!!” – Loween & Jim

▲ Dana who gladly accepted the interview

 “The performance was beyond my expectations. I am actually a Jew. That is why when I heard that it was a Christmas performance I didn’t expect much, but came anyways with one of my friends because one of my students handed me some tickets. It was a magnificent performance which ringed my heart. Especially during the last song ‘God Bless America,’ I wasn’t able to help but to put my hands on my chest as I listened. Although the religions differed I felt that the root was the same and also that God’s heart was the same. It is a beautiful evening!” Dana

▲ Pat who said it is time to return to the true meaning of Christmas

 “Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful..! It was songs which overwhelmingly warmed my heart. All of the three acts were great, but the first act which portrayed the birth of Jesus was most touching. The songs which the choir sang, and I was surprised by the way in which they illustrated Jesus’ birth. The message of pastor who said that we live not knowing the heart of God very well also touched my heart, I think now is the time for me to return to the true meaning of Christmas and cherish God’s heart in my heart too. Thank you for inviting me to the performance.” – Pat

▲ Pastor Jeong Ho Park of San Jose Church and the volunteers

 “Then Jesus lifted up his eyes, and seeing a great multitude coming toward him, he said to Philip, ‘Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?’ But this he said to test him, for he himself knew what he would do (John 6:5-6)”

“Jesus had compassion on the great multitude gathered in front of him. The disciples had no way of feeding the multitude, however Jesus blessed and many people were able to be full.

When we first started the Christmas Cantata, Pastor Yeong Guk Park said this, “The money from my mission is this much and according to my calculation I thought that it is not possible. It costs too much, traveling is difficult and the event it self seemed difficult.. I had many thoughts. However I did not wanted to give up going forward just because of my own calculations. ‘I should go until I max out on my credit card. If we run out of gas for the bus then we will stop the bus.’ However God has already set up really nice roads in the United States and because people also had the basic knowledge about the Bible, the Gospel was preached very simply. I had a heart that although there may be problems and difficulties during the Cantata Jesus is with this event.” This heart of Pastor Yeong Guk Park took hold of also my heart. Let us not believe in our calculations, what we have, or what we don’t have let us simply go forward. In the end I was able to see God having pity over San Jose and preparing all things to feed many people. I was able to closely witness the blessing of Jesus. I glorify God who bestowed such grace upon us.”

– Pastor Jeong Ho Park of San Jose Church

▲ Audience giving a standing ovation

▲ Stage which cannot be helped but to be applauded with a standing ovation

A savior has come in to the hearts of people in San Jose. Their hearts were filled with joy and happiness. There was not a single audience who exited the auditorium with the same heart as when they entered the center. Just like how one citizen stated that “It is now time to return to the true meaning of Christmas and cherish the heart of God,’ audiences who filled 2400 seats returned home having cherished God in their hearts.

Now in order to deliver the gift of God we are now off to Las Vegas.

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